
FreeStyle Pumpkin Lanterns and #MyFavoriteBloggers

  1. […] Free Style Pumpkin Lanterns and #MyFavoriteBloggers Themed Post – Do Small Things with Love says: September 19, 2013 at 11:06 am […]

  2. Ribbon Pumpkin Fall Pennant Banner - #myfavoritebloggers - One Tough Mother says:

    […] […]

  3. Nancy,

    These are so awesome!!! Pinning away ….

    Oh, and can I feature them on my Mason Jar Crafts Love blog? I think my readers would love them. I use just one picture and a clear link back.

    Let me know!!!


    🙂 Linda

  4. Turkey Embroidery Hoop Art and #Myfavoritebloggers - Do Small Things with Love says:

    […] Bloggers, sharing on a similar theme.  Last month we shared our creative Pumpkin projects (see it HERE), and the month before we all create Apple projects (see it HERE).  This month we went a little […]

  5. […] Click HERE for all instructions […]

  6. Ohh these look so adorable!!! Loved that you allowed your toddler to paint for you! Whats Modge Podge?


  7. Janice Repass says:

    These are adorable! Did you use acrylic paint or something specifically for glass?

  8. EMily says:

    these are super cute! i love how they look lit up!! Emily

  9. Sky says:

    There is nothing more awesome than kiddo handiwork shining through a project- these are awesome, Nancy! YOU are such a cool Mom!

  10. ChiWei says:

    OOh, the lit up lanterns are so per-ty! And I love that kids can help, because all my son wants to do is “halp”!

  11. I love that you and your son collaborated on this project! And it turned out loverly. I love lantern anything…and when free-styling is involved, well, I’m sold! Great job, team,

  12. Bethany says:

    These are so cute!

  13. Kadie says:

    Oh I love these!! I like that you just let your little man go to town with the orange and then doodled on top of that. What a great way to let them be a part of the season!

  14. Marilyn says:

    Nancy, these are absolutely gorgeous…I love the look when you have a candle burning inside….just gorgeous!

  15. LOVE these so much! Sweet little pumpkin mason jars – oh, wouldn’t these look cute lining the walkway on Halloween night for the little trick-or-treaters!

  16. amy says:

    Super clever and unique!

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