
Mother’s Necklace: A Pro-life Post

  1. fun88 says:


    Mother's Necklace: A Pro-life Post – Catholic Sprouts

  2. chinese jerseys says:

    This is without a doubt all very a newcomer to me of which this article certainly opened a eyes. Thanks designed for sharing around your intelligence.

  3. Birgit J says:

    What a lovely reminder of motherhood! Thank you for sharing this inspirational post.

  4. Monica says:

    What a beautiful necklace, Nancy…what a wonderful way to keep these precious little souls with us. So important to honor them as part of the family…for the other kids too. Won’t it be wonderful when we meet them in heaven?
    I love the picture of you with your son and baby daughter…beautiful!
    Thanks so much for hosting the Catholic Blogger Collective! It’s wonderful to be a part of it!

  5. Chris says:

    What a lovely post, Nancy! And I also can;t thank you enough for putting together the pro life collective this month…..it really was a wonderful experience! I also got to “meet” several bloggers who I DID NOT know! The Catholic blogosphere is really getting bigger all the time.

    The necklace and esp its symbolism is quite beautiful. I, too, lost to miscarriage…twins in 1999…then went on to have two healthy boys. I just love how your mom inc her preborn babies…. and your poor sister…how sad.

    Thanks for sharing, Nancy!


  6. Nancy, That is a beautiful story and necklace! I love how your aunt uses the beads to represent the children! Very cool! Does she sell on Etsy?

  7. Melody says:

    How beautiful, Nancy! I’m going to spread the word… perhaps she should set up an Etsy shop! Thanks for sharing this and for setting up this wonderful collective.

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