
Cabinet Bench #2

  1. […] And, by the way, that’s my sister Ruth handling the power tools. Check out here diy project here and […]

  2. […] enough to come from a very talented and creative family.  My older sister Ruth often stops by with great DIY projects, my mom has a fabulously Catholic blog where she shares her faith and her pictures, my son Gus was […]

  3. […] One of those guests is my sister, Ruth, who has contributed some serious DIY projects like this and this.  My other guest crafter is […]

  4. […] in awhile to share her major DIY accomplishments.  She is amazing.  Check out her other projects here and here. Despite the fact that she is pregnant (expecting around Halloween) and already has 4 […]

  5. Christine says:

    I just LOVE IT!!!!

    Thanks so much for sharing this at The DIY Dreamer… From Dream to Reality! Can’t wait to see what you share tomorrow evening!

  6. Bev Carter says:

    What a special time when the family can all be together. As you get older, that seems to become more difficult. Your sister’s bench is a cool idea. She is very clever.
    I am your newest GFC.
    Have a wonderful week,
    @ Eclectic Red Barn

  7. VMG206 says:

    This bench is so pretty!
    I’m visiting you today from Salt Tree. I’m co-hosting a Linky Party today and would LOVE for you to add this. I hope you get a chance to stop by my blog, leave a comment and Link Up, too!
    ~ Megin of VMG206
    Tile Photo Coasters ~ Gift Idea

  8. Emily says:

    This is awesome. Your sister is very talented! I love the picture of your family, and I’m so curious about your sister being a nun in France– that sounds so special.

    A Tossed Salad Life

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