
Friday Project: Simple Lenten Rosary Case

  1. Emily says:

    This is such a beautiful idea! Thank you 🙂

  2. Dorothy says:

    I love the rosary case. My daughter is working on her Girl Scout Bronz Award and this will fit perfectly. Her goal is to teach kids at her school the rosary. She is assisting the adult with the rosary club and is researching working with the kids in RCIA.

  3. Valerie says:

    Dear Nancy,

    I am so glad that you discovered my blog. I’m looking forward to following you and your sister. I love the Catholic Mom bloggers that I have discovered. It feels great to find an on-line community that has our faith in common!
    Wishing you a wonderful and blessed, Sunday.


    P.S. I love the felt rosary cases you designed. I think my daughter would love to learn how to make those. She is always wanting to make things for her First Grade teacher and Principal. (She goes to nearby Catholic school.)

  4. Gae says:

    Dear Nancy,
    That is a great idea and one I will keep in mind as our children start to look of Christmas present making ideas.
    Thank you for dropping by and leaving such a nice comment. I hope you will think about coming by on a regular basis.
    God Bless

  5. Kacy says:

    Very nicely done! I especially love the stitchwork. You can offer a rosary for me this Lent–for strength of faith. My husband is no longer Catholic, and my faith is a bit shaky these days.

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