
Hi! Welcome to the first roundup of 2014: 25 Snow Inspired Crafts–because if there is anything to be inspired by these days, it’s snow (and cold).   At least here in Minnesota, winter came early and it is fierce!   Winter has never been my favorite season, and when the weather is this bitterly cold […]


January 10, 2014

25 Snow Inspired Crafts

Hello!  Today’s project is simple and a bit messy–my favorite: Edible Oatmeal Playdough.   Today’s Edible Oatmeal Playdough is the first of many weekly kid’s crafts I hope to have on this blog, posting one each Tuesday.   I have resolved, among other things, to make my family and my kids a greater part of […]

kids crafts

January 7, 2014

Kid’s Craft: Edible Oatmeal Playdough

Before I get back into the real business of blogging around here. I have a little personal Christmas miracle I’d like to share if you will indulge me… I can not deny that I live a very blessed life.   From my husband to my children, my parents, my siblings, friends, our home… The blessings […]

Catholic, Faith, Family

January 2, 2014

Recognizing a Miracle

Hello!  Today I am excited to share with you the top 10 projects of 2013 at Small Things with Love.   But first, a few words about the blog in general. This 1st of the year is a bit of a marker on this blog.   Last year, on the 1st of January, I started […]


December 31, 2013

Top 10 Projects of 2013 at Small Things With Love