Baby Prep: DIY Baby Wipes

  1. DIY Baby #797 says:

    […] here via […]

  2. Eva says:

    This is a great recipe….I found this item to helpful

  3. Carla says:

    We use baby wipes and it is just my husband and I I also go 1 step further . I seen on a show where this lady made her own Cotton bathroom potty wipes ” toilet paper” they are the size of a normal hand. You can use any color of terry cloth material I bought a yard and have been using the same ones for over a year now I have a clean basket next to the toilet and a dirty trash can towards the back I LOVE THEM ! When I go somewhere and have to use real toilet paper I cringe it’s so rough one suggestion I did sew a straight stitch around all 4 sides to keep it from UN raveling you can also cut a washcloth in half you know the ones that are starting to look rough. We figured it out it has saved us HUNDREDS of dollars I only use them when I potty . My husband is a trooper about making sure they are washed and I have a clean supply . Oh he does all the laundry whoo hoo for me the concept sounds weird but it’s no different then using a cloth diaper except mine don’t get SOAKED with urine and poop !

  4. Alaina says:

    I was wondering if the essential oils you use are for scent preferences? I was thinking of using vanilla instead of ylang ylang. Would that still be ok?

  5. Nancy says:

    All my babies & grand babies are too old for diapers, mostly;-}. However I keep some in the bathroom for my own “baby butt”. They are perfect for a refresher when there is no time for a shower. This is a perfect idea!

  6. Methyliso- what? 30 Alternatives To Avoid The Discovered Chemical Causing Baby Wipe Rashes | The Laotian Commotion says:

    […] DIY Baby Wipes with lavender and ylang ylang […]

  7. kitblu says:

    I don’t have babies but I do keep baby wipes in my car. When there is a traffic jam or I have to wait for a train, I get them out and clean the dashboard. After leaving my window down during a flash storm, I realize that I also need to clean the steering wheel! I got muck all over my T-shirt and capris! I will cut a hole in the lid to pull the towel through. I am pinning this and sharing on facebook with the way I use it.
    BTW I was whizzing through the instructions and had to back up. I thought I saw a wide bore drill tip — no, it was the wet tube coming out of the centre. Phew – no power tools required 🙂

  8. […] you liked this project, consider stopping by and checking out these other baby projects: DIY Baby Wipes (recipe) The Perfect Burp Cloth (pattern) Thanks for being […]

  9. Kelly Batten says:

    Is the solution 1/2 a cup of the cleaning mixed with water? Then an additional 3 cups of water? Or 3 cups of water in total?

  10. What a great idea!!

    Thanks for partying with us @ Keep Calm & Link Up this week!
    xo, Meredith @

  11. Jacy says:

    Amazing and perfect!! I also stay at home after working full time and I’ve been thinking about making my own wipes for a while. Where do you get your oils and cleaning solution? I’m totally making these very soon, so happy I found your blog, new follower from the Live Laugh Linky 🙂


  12. Rachel says:

    Clever! I never would have thought to make my own wipes. Wish I would have known when my kiddos were small.

    • Nancy Bandzuch says:

      So you are implying that you don’t deal with diapers any more—very jealous! I am expecting another little one in a few weeks here, so I will be making (and using) wipes for a good long time into the future!

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