Baby Prep: The Perfect Burp Cloth

  1. Bea says:

    This is a good product! Definitely helpful. Thank you for sharing.

    We also have a clothing collection. You can check us out at

  2. Jamie says:

    I am pregnant right now. It seems that I need to steal your idea and prepare some of these receiving blankets! Thanks for sharing.

  3. Marco says:

    Its a nice post on baby Burp Cloth that will definitely help me for my kid


  4. Nogi Bjj says:

    This is really perfect burp cloth. that’s definitely what I had to do for my son when he was younger as well. He couldn’t wear long sleeves either. I love my kids and always keep in mind what they need.

  5. […] stopping by and checking out these other baby projects: DIY Baby Wipes (recipe) The Perfect Burp Cloth (pattern) Thanks for being […]

  6. […] If you are interested in other thrifty baby prep projects–check out these posts: Sew up some PERFECT BURP CLOTHS […]

  7. Laurie@SimplyCreatingHome says:

    What a wonderful repurposing for receiving blankets! I love the curved design to help it fit the shoulder better. I made some personalized flannel blankets for baby gifts this past week and had some leftover flannel. I made a few matching simple rectangular burp cloths, but I think your design would have been a better fit for the shoulder. Thanks so much for sharing!

  8. Donna Wucherer says:

    Great idea for a baby gift. Thanks for sharing

  9. Sparkle says:

    Good idea! Thank you for sharing. I’m happy to have found your blog via a linky. I’m a new follower now!

  10. Britni @ Hubby Made Me says:

    So cute! And such a great idea to use receiving blankets. Love!

  11. Jenni Bost says:

    Those are a great size for diapers too! Great work. Just found you through Trendy Treehouse Linky Party!

  12. LeiShell says:

    That really is genius! I wish I could sew or had a sewing machine…and a new baby I needed to make things for!;) Great tutorial!

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