Although most of us will not have to deal directly with the issues of Euthanaisa or Doctor Assisted Suicide, other issues that are closely related, like the topics of death, chornic illness and suffering are things we will have to deal with. And, even more importantly, we will have to teach our children about these […]


April 24, 2023

J1ST 110: CST Euthanaisa

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In this episode we continue on in our series on Catholic Social Teaching. Today we discuss the 2nd (of 31 topics), the Death Penalty The Death Penalty is interesting because Catholic Social Teaching on this topic has changed! As the world advances and in most places societies have the ability to keep a violent, dangerous […]


April 21, 2023

J1ST 109: CST Death Penalty

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Today we are starting on a 31 episode long series that explores ALL of Catholic Social Teaching. We are kicking things off with Abortion. It is my hope that the stories I share here will help you recall and share your own stories as you discuss this important topic with your children. I have no […]


April 19, 2023

J1ST 108: CST Abortion

j1st 4

Ready to hear about the BIG project we have been working on the past 2 years?!?!?!? Catholic Social Teaching for Youth is a massive book (with an IMPRIMATUR from the Archdiocese of St. Paul and Minneapolis) that covers ALL of the sticky moral and social issues we are navigating today. From transgender to abortion to […]


April 17, 2023

J1ST 107: Catholic Social Teaching Introduction

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