This is the fifth episode in a row where I have been talking about the Sacred Heart of Jesus. All of the episodes leading up to this one have been important, but this one tops them all. Today we will be discussing the incredible way that Jesus loves us. Afterall, at the most basic level, […]


April 11, 2023

J1ST 106: Encountering Jesus’s Love

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There is still work to do once we leave the confessional. This is a hard truth that I have been learning as I dig deeper into a devotion to Jesus and His Heart. There are actually a lot of things we need to clear away before we can be open to receiving the love of […]


April 11, 2023

J1ST 105: The Five Obstacles to full Devotion to Jesus and His Heart

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Let’s dive deep into the five key parts of a devotion to Jesus and His Most Sacred Heart. As outlined in this episode, these parts are: Rejection of Sin Faith in Jesus Desire to Love Jesus Development of the Interior Life Total (even Reckless) Trust in God In this episode I look at each of […]


April 2, 2023

J1ST 104: 5 Parts of a Devotion to Jesus and His Heart


Explore with me a few key areas of devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus. And, please remember, that most of this has grown out of my own prayer and relationship with Jesus. I hope that you find it helpful, but please don’t be limited by what I share. I’m sure there are many depths […]


March 27, 2023

J1ST 103: Sacred Heart Devotion