
This post includes affiliate links Hello! Today’s roundup of 25 Creative Watercolor Projects will hopefully inspire you as much as it has inspired me.   I really love watercolor (thanks mom!), both for creative projects of my own and for the creative projects I do with my kids. Although they are only 1 and 2 […]

Adult Projects

April 10, 2014

25 Creative Watercolor Projects

As I shared last week, I am going to strive to make this blog about more than just crafts and recipes. However, I do have a bit of a backlog of crafts and recipes to post here.   So, at least for today, I am going to try to combine these 2 things: creating and […]


April 7, 2014

Carrot Cake Cupcakes Recipe

Hi. I’m going to do things a little differently today.   Lately, behind the scenes, I have been really thinking and thinking about this little blog.   Maybe it’s the pregnancy hormones, or potty training stress, or something else, but I feel like things have gotten a little bit away from me lately.   I […]

Catholic, Faith

April 4, 2014

On Being a Catholic Blogger

This post includes an affiliate link. Are you ready for some amazing flower power crafting goodness? Well, ready or not, I have 50 Flower Crafts for Spring.   There are so so so many great ideas here–ideas for kids, with felt, crochet patterns, paper flowers, printables, wreaths, tissue paper, hair things…on and on!   I […]


April 3, 2014

50 Flower Crafts for Spring