Earlier this year I started to wonder how we could improve the Catholic Sprouts Podcast.  Admittedly, things are going well with the podcast. We have over 10K daily listeners and we just passed 8M downloads. Crazy! But instead of thinking those statistics meant we should just keep on keeping on, they inspired me to do […]


August 15, 2022

Be A Saints Kid’s Club: Join Us!

Add a heading 85

A few weeks ago I was showing our new ABC Saint Cards to one of my cousins when this person, thoroughly unimpressed, gave me a look that said plainly:  “Does EVERYTHING have to be Catholic?” I didn’t address my cousin’s scowl at the time, but since then I have been turning it over in my […]


August 5, 2022

Does EVERYTHING have to be Catholic?

Back to School 5

Socks play a big role in my life as a parent. First, I find socks everywhere… I find them on coffee tables, in the backyard, stuffed in cupholders in the car, under beds, in backpacks, behind bookcases, piled up in closet corners, under the table, in the silverware drawer, and, of course, under the couch, […]


August 5, 2022

Socks and Parenthood

Back to School 6

We weren’t planning on making a planner this year. In fact, if you wrote to me sometime this Spring inquiring about a Catholic Sprouts planner, I likely replied that we were not going to be offering a planner, and that you should purchase one elsewhere.  So, why did we change our mind and, in the […]


July 23, 2022

2022-2023 Catholic Sprouts Academic Planner