Anyone just SICK of hearing about how this Spring, the Spring of 2020, was unprecedented? I am. At first “unprecedented” seemed exciting…and then after the long slog of months with no Mass, Distance Learning, parks closed, and endless Zoom calls… We all realized that “unprecedented” just means miserable. And parts of these months in quarantine […]

Catholic, Eucharist, Family, Motherhood, parenting

June 11, 2020

Your Thoughts about Quarantine, Faith, and Family

catholic believe

Several years ago I sat down and drew up 26 simple Catholic ABCs coloring pages. One for each letter of the alphabet. They were good enough, but I am NOT a professional graphic designer by ANY stretch of the imagination. But lots of families used those coloring pages. And as of this morning, over 20,000 […]

Catholic, Faith, faith projects, Family, free printables, kids crafts, Paper Crafts, teaching the faith

March 15, 2020

Catholic ABC’s Coloring Pages (NEW AND IMPROVED)

Catholic ABC Coloring Pages free

First things first: I have a new Lenten Calendar for you! Updated with all of the 2022 feast days, it’s big, it’s full color and I’m hoping it will keep the little hearts and minds of your children engaged all Lent long. It’s also 100% free ;). Feel free to share this calendar with any […]

adoration, Catholic, Faith, Family, Lent, Prayer

February 9, 2020

There is a way to do Lent wrong.

catholic lent

Hey there! We are right in the middle of launching the FAMILY ADORATION PACK. I have been loving hearing from so many of you, and we have been getting lots of questions. So, in case you have a question too, I thought it might be a good time to do a quick Adoration Materials FAQ. […]

adoration, books, Catholic, Faith, Family, Prayer

February 6, 2020

Adoration Materials Q&A

Adoration Family Pack from Catholic Sprouts