Catholic Saints in Melty Beads

  1. Teri says:

    I would love to buy this book! I’ve been looking for one for years.

  2. […] you have older students, check out the cross-stitch patterns at Do small things with love.  Saint Bernadette is included in the […]

  3. Tricia says:

    Is there any way we can still buy the digital version of the perler bead book? I would love to be able to print it and give it to my daughter for Christmas! Thank you!!

  4. Meagan Himmerich says:

    Hey my almost six year old wants a good shepherd themed party. Do you have the melty beads pattern for the good shepherd or Our Lady or an angel? Trying to plan one craft for the kiddos. And they will all be 5,6, and 7 year old montessori kids.

  5. Jayla says:

    Wow! I was looking at your site and stumbled upon this so perfect craft for my fuse bead loving daughter! So how’s the book coming? I would love to purchase it for Christmas!

    We love your podcast, and I’m excited to explore your website!

  6. Lucy says:

    Yes, yes! Oh, I love this idea! So excited for my daughter to be a bit older so she can make her own melty bead saints. These would make great ornaments for Christmas, too. Can’t wait to see the book with all the patterns. 🙂

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