DIY Statement Molded Rings

  1. Jose L. says:

    Wow! You brought DIY to the next level. I appreciate all your ideas and how open you are to share it with us. Thank you.

  2. Jewelry says:

    Thanks for sharing such a variety of tips.Whether you are looking for an anniversary gift, watch, engagement ring, or need jewelry repair, The Diamond Family welcomes you and looks forward to the opportunity to serve you.

  3. Ryderyencken says:


    Nice Post, I love your ideas they are very creative. You have done a great job.
    Keep posting more about it. Looking forward towards more post.

    Thanks a lot

  4. DIY Owl Necklace - Do Small Things with Love says:

    […] I was lucky enough to get a whole lot of great jewelry supplies from Martha Stewart (check out my custom molded rings).  Since I still had a lot of great supplies left over, we had fun making some more […]

  5. Simple Summer Bracelet - Do Small Things with Love says:

    […] Stewart Jewelry line they are now selling at Michaels.  For more on these materials, check out this post. I really love this bracelet, and I think it looks like the perfect beach […]

  6. Virginia says:

    THis is fabulous. I totally want this!! Great work

  7. Creative Raisins says:

    That is pretty darn cool, they turned out really good.


    Creative Raisins

  8. Tara @ Suburble says:

    Wow! These rings turned out beautifully! Molds sound like they could be so much fun! And I’m green with envy over all of those fantastic Martha bits-and-bobs! Can’t wait to see more projects! 🙂

  9. Tawna Thompson says:

    Those are adorable buttons!

  10. Adrianne at Happy Hour Projects says:

    I simply must have this. MUST. I knew Martha had a new line, I had no idea I could make my own molds. This girl is about to go nuts!! 😉

  11. Katie @ Creatively Living says:

    Those molds are awesome! I love the rings. Thanks for sharing at Monday Funday!

  12. why_in_the_heck says:

    That’s so cool! I’m jealous, you can’t really get Martha Stewart stuff over here in Oz.

  13. Kadie says:

    Sooooo pretty! You did a great job! And how cool are those molds?!?!?! I can’t wait to try them out…

  14. Bethany Lee says:

    Very pretty!

  15. Kathy Penney says:

    Love these rings! Great job! Happy to be in Blue Print with you!

  16. Gina Wamsley says:

    These are very pretty. I had not seen them!

  17. Emily says:

    These rings are so cool, and I love that you can paint them! Such fun. My local Michael’s is just getting the new Martha Stewart line in, they were setting it up when I was there two weeks ago. I’ll have to head back!


  18. Chiwei @ One Dog Woof says:

    Wasn’t this kit so much fun? I had a blast with mine, and looks like you did too!

  19. Susan@Organized31 says:

    Very fun. My teenaged daughters would love this!

  20. Amy Latta says:

    Oh, cool! I have been drooling over all this new jewelry stuff from Martha!

  21. Cheryl @ That's What Che Said says:

    How Fun Nancy! I can’t wait to try this!!

  22. Chris says:

    Love this!
    They look lovely, Nancy!

  23. Marilyn Clark says:

    Nancy, these turned out GREAT! This Martha Stewart line looks like a winner! Thanks for sharing your awesome tutorial!

  24. Jessica Anderson says:

    Very cute! I need to find some stuff to make molds with!

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