We Connect Catholic Kids with Monks, Nuns, and other Religious on Live Calls

Catholic Kids need to speak with real men and women who have answered the call to Religious Life.


This is ESSENTIAL if Catholic Kids are going to discern their own vocation.


But what if there aren't many monks and nuns around?


That's were we come in. 


Once a month we host a LIVE CALL with a different Religious Order.


As a member, your school or parish will be able to send the Zoom link out to your entire community so they can join us LIVE and get all of their questions answered.

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Connect your kids with Religious Communities.


Along with access to our live calls each month your group will allso receive:


  • Access to the Replay Library


  • Contact Information for the Religious Order so your families can connect with them. 


Many parishes and schools have requested this access, so we are limiting the number of schools and parishes we accept. 

Frequently Asked Questions

Wondering how this will work? Check out these frequently asked questions. 

Still have questions? Email us directly at support@catholicsprouts.com

If we join, who all has access to the calls with Religious Communities?Everyone in your parish or school! You can share access with a smaller group in your parish or school, or send it out to everyone. We hope that you give all of the families you serve access to these calls.

How do I share access to these calls with my community?Each month we will create a flier advertising the upcoming call which you can hang in your parish or school. You can also send this flier directly to your families.

Along with the flier, inside the hub, we will share additional information about the Religious Order we will be speaking to and resources you can explore in preparation for our call.

When are the monthly calls with the Religious Communities?Most of our calls with Religious Orders will occur on Saturday mornings at 10am CST. We do adjust this time, when needed, to accommodate the prayer schedule of the Religious Community. Also, in order to welcome very busy religious (like bishops!) we may host a call on a week day. When this happens we will give everyone ample advance notice! 

Where will I find information about upcoming calls?Once your parish or school joins, you will receive information to log in to a private “hub”. We will share the calendar and all important information inside the “hub”, which is very easy to use! This is also where you will find links to live calls and the entire replay library.

What are some ways we can use these calls in our community?Here are a few ideas!

Our live calls with a Religous Community take place Saturday mornings once a month (the time varies slightly, to accommodate the prayer schedule of the community). Make joining the call an event! Stream the call on a big screen, provide snacks and encourage the kids in your community to ask questions!

In recent years many parishes have placed more faith formation in the hands of the parents (good move!). Along with books and videos, ask families to join the calls with Religous Orders once a month. 

We have the dates for upcoming calls with Religious Orders set far in advance. Add these dates to your community calendar and share the log in link. After the event, you will have access to the replay which you can also share with your families and ask that parents find time to view it with their children. 

As a member of EXPLORING RELIGIOUS VOCATIONS you will have access not only to the live calls, but also to our growing library of replays. Since April we have talked to a number of orders and recorded all of those conversation. So, if a child you serve is wondering what the difference between Benediction Monks and Carmelite Friars, you can SHOW them the difference! Pull up the replay of our conversations with men from both of these orders and watch!

What happens after we join?After you join, you will be sent access to our private "hub" where you can access our calendar and information about upcoming events. Inside the hub you can also manage your subscription. Cancel at any time.

Upcoming Calls with Religous Communities

APRIL 13th, 2024

The Sisters of Charity of Our Lady, Mother of the Church

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MAY 2024

Carmelite Sisters of the Divine Heart of Jesus

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JUNE 2024

Fr. Ben Kociemba:
Parish Priest

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JULY 2024

The Most Reverend Chad W. Zielinski
Bishop of New Ulm, Minnesota

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Nashville Dominicans

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Norbertine Fathers from St. Michael's Abbey in California

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We are working on connecting with other incredible orders to bring you conversations with a different Religious Community each and every month!

Questions? Reach out to us directly via email:


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