Felt Nativity Set Pattern

  1. Marie drain says:

    Can I please get pattern if will to sell for our school project

  2. Elizabeth says:

    These nativity figures look great!
    Please can you let me know the size and are they best machine or hand sewn?
    Thank you.

  3. Elizabeth says:

    Lovely little figures.
    I would need to know the measurements of the main figures and have you machined or hand sewn them?
    Thank you.

  4. Carol Janes says:

    Is the pattern for the Nativity figures available as a PDF file?

  5. judi leaming says:

    I wish to order both the Nativity figures patterns AND the Nativity ornaments pattern but I cannot find any directions for doing that ???

  6. Noel says:

    I think the little felt roses are cute-would be great on a headband for my little girl named rose.

  7. Noel says:

    I follow you on fb!

  8. mary kenney says:

    I like Sweet Succulent mckmnm@hotmail.com

  9. Mary Burns says:

    Loved the kitschy Christmas…and wouldyour felt nativity figures!

  10. Sandi Hester says:

    I just bought the pattern but it does seem important to know how much of each color and what colors you used. This will be my first time to do a felt pattern (or any pattern for that matter) so I have no idea how much to get.

  11. Jenna says:

    I love the pattern and really want to make the set but I’m not sure how much of each color felt I would need to be able to make it. I’m thinking about asking for the pattern and felt for Christmas so it would be nice to know before buying the pattern. Thank you.

  12. […] Felt Nativity Set via Do Small Things with Love […]

  13. Joanna says:

    LOVE the pattern! just can’t decide the wool felt colours, maybe merman and kitshy christmas and bejeweled and primitive and 🙂 just started following you on pinterest looking forward to more ideas!!

  14. Cinthya says:


  15. Cinthya says:

    Love it

  16. Cinthya says:

    Love it! its amazing and beautiful

  17. Cinthya says:

    Love it!

  18. tammy cordery says:

    My email is mommystuck1@optonline.net. I hope I win if I don’t I have the pinned.

  19. tammy cordery says:

    I pinned your Esty nativity pattern for later. I favorite you on Esty. Love everything you did.

  20. tammy cordery says:

    I follow you on facebook.

  21. tammy cordery says:

    I like the primitive Christmas . It has pretty colors.

  22. […] And, if you are looking for a fun felt project that requires a little bit more time, consider checking out my FELT NATIVITY SET PATTERN. […]

  23. Rebecca Borger says:

    Liked Benzie on FB & Instagram

  24. Rebecca Borger says:

    Liked you on FB, pinterest, and instagram.

  25. Rebecca Borger says:

    I liked Glitter & Glass best. 🙂 And what a beautiful pattern you have created…I love that my kids could play with a nativity and none of us would worry about it breaking. Thank you!

  26. Suzanne says:

    Following on Facebook now too.

  27. Amorette says:

    I follow Benzie Design on IG and FB

  28. Amorette says:

    So sweet! I like the heathered collection.

  29. Verlan Day says:

    I love the Primitive Christmas–such rich colors. Would love to make this Nativity for my grandson!

  30. Verlan Day says:

    I am following dosmallthingswithlove on Instagram. So excited to have found you!

  31. Verlan Day says:

    I follow Benzie on Instagram.

  32. Lindsay says:

    Wow! That is such a darling nativity. You are so talented. I love the succulent color scheme.

  33. Heater says:

    Love the Sugar House Collection. Regular customer of Benzie! Love your Nativity set!

  34. Suzanne says:

    Following Benzie on Instagram

  35. Suzanne says:

    I’m following you on Instagram.

  36. Suzanne says:

    My favorite is the Feast! This looks amazing and it looks like something I could do!

  37. Sara says:

    I’m following both of you on social media.
    IG – amcfallminute and FB – sara mcfall

  38. Sara says:

    I love this pattern and the heathered collection

  39. Michele N says:

    Following Benzie & Small Things on IG & Facebook.

  40. Amber says:

    I also follow you on IG. 🙂

  41. Amber says:

    Oops. Forgot my email. It’s tgrsbug at gmail dot com. Also, I follow benzie on IG. 🙂

  42. Amber says:

    Love love love this pattern!! Thanks for the opportunity! I love benzie’s sweet succulents combo.

  43. Lisa Habinowski says:

    I love the bejeweled collection!

  44. Linda says:

    I have been looking for such a pattern to do for Christmas this year. I like the Feast

  45. Jamee Bass says:

    Following you on facebook. rjadfamily@hotmail.com

  46. Ginny Over says:

    see you on Pinterest. Luv the Nativity set, the sweet suculant would be my color of choice

  47. And also following via Facebook!

  48. Also following you on Pinterest

  49. Also following BenzieDesign on Instagram

  50. I am following Benzie on FB 🙂

  51. What a sweet nativity! I like all of the color collections, but Feast is my favorite.

  52. Sarah says:

    I have followed each of you on all of your social outlets!!

  53. Traci Hall says:

    Love this beautiful Nativity. Would Love to win for the NICU I work at in Phoenix. I am choosing sweet succulent as my favorite color combination! :)Thank you for making such a wonderful and sweet interpretation. tagmefour@gmail.com

  54. Traci Hall says:

    Love this beautiful Nativity. Would Love to win for the NICU I work at in Phoenix. I am following you on your Facebook NOW! :)Thank you for making such a wonderful and sweet interpretation. tagmefour@gmail.com

  55. Traci Hall says:

    Love this beautiful Nativity. Would Love to win for the NICU I work at in Phoenix. I am following you on your Pinterest NOW! :)Thank you for making such a wonderful and sweet interpretation.

    • Traci Hall says:

      Love this beautiful Nativity. Would Love to win for the NICU I work at in Phoenix. I am following you on your Pinterest NOW! :)Thank you for making such a wonderful and sweet interpretation. tagmefour@gmail.com

  56. Traci Hall says:

    Love this beautiful Nativity. Would Love to win for the NICU I work at in Phoenix. I am following you on Facebook NOW! 🙂

  57. Katherine Hawley says:

    Such a lovely pattern!! I follow you and now Benzie on Facebook. I love the Primative Christmas but Glutter and Glass is my favorite!!

  58. Elizabeth says:

    I love this nativity! So beautiful. I checked out the lovely felt and i love the noia land collection! Great colors.

  59. kortney says:

    liked Small Things on FB

    + followed on Pinterest!

  60. kortney says:

    …liked Benzie Designs on FB

  61. kortney says:

    oh! Secret Garden is my favorite!

  62. Jess M says:

    What an awesome pattern, very kid friendly! Loving the Feast combo.

  63. Ashleigh says:

    Oh my word, these are so cute! I would love to make these. It was so hard to pick a collection a felt, all of it looked so pretty. I finally decided on the Heathered Collection. Fingers crossed!

    email: a.michelle521@hotmail.com

  64. Melody Still says:

    I’ve liked everything in the links! Thank you!

  65. Melody Still says:

    I love this Nativity Set…great job! I would choose the Primitive Christmas felt for it…I love the neutral, but rich, tones. 🙂 Planning to go “like” the other pages!

  66. Brooke Lacasse says:

    this is an amazing creation you made! Tells the real reason behind Christmas! I been looking for a nativity scene for a while that’s soft not easy to break this is perfect. I love the bejeweled colection colors! Love the Browns with the purples and pinks. Such a pretty combo! My email is brookiecookie78@aol.com. Thank you for sharing!

  67. Jamee Bass says:

    My 11 year old and I like the Bejeweled collection. Thanks for the giveaway. rjadfamily@hotmail.com

  68. Sonseria Hubbard says:

    Sweet Succulents – Following you and Benzie Design on Facebook! Great patterns and beautiful felt! My email is opheliaswings@yahoo.com. Thanks for the contest!

  69. Mollie says:

    I follow you on Twitter, Pinterest, and IG! (and I know you have my email, but just in case…molliejohanson at gmail)

  70. Mollie says:

    I follow Benziedesign on IG!

  71. Mollie says:

    I’m a fan of the Mmmcrafts collection, plus Jelly Bean and Kitschy Christmas (I curated that one!)

  72. lesley says:

    i follow STWL on pinterest

  73. lesley says:

    i follow STWL on facebook

  74. lesley says:

    i follow Benzie on facebook

  75. lesley says:

    I really love the Mermaid Lagoon colors

  76. Kaitlin Young says:

    I love Sugar house shop!

  77. Tammy Miller says:

    Sweet Succulent! Love Benzie Designs Felt, its awesome! Thanks for the giveaway tammylynmiller@gmail.com

  78. Jackie Lombardi says:

    I love the kitschy Christmas combo. My email is lombardifamily07@gmail.com

  79. Kara says:

    I already follow you on all the social media listed and am a new follower of Benzie now too 🙂

  80. Kara says:

    My favorite is the Heathered collection 🙂

  81. Adrianne says:

    I love the Sweet Succulent combo! This is a beautiful pattern (as always)!!

  82. Ashley Current says:

    I am having a difficult time deciding between heather and bejeweled! Pretty colors all around.
    LOVE the Nativity!

  83. Netta Balo says:

    I love the heathered…but I like them all! Liked Benzie on FB!

  84. Sarah says:

    I love the kitschy Christmas! I would love. Thank you!!

  85. Oh, and I’m following you Instagram, Pinterest, and Facebook OF COURSE!

  86. Nancy, this nativity set is one of the most stunning I have ever seen; I can’t believe you made it and I can’t believe you created a pattern, too. You rock! Also, so does this giveaway. Sweet Succulent is SO gorgeous. I’d love to learn how to use felt in this way! Thanks for the chance.

  87. Emily says:

    followed benzie on FB

  88. Emily says:

    I love benzie design!!! The secret garden felt is amazing.. love the colors!!

  89. Gwen DeGolier says:

    Ohmygoodness, I

  90. Carrie says:

    Love the sweet succulent combo! Follow you and Benzie on instagram. Such a cute nativity scene!

  91. Melanie says:

    I like the Glitter and Glass

  92. Sumi says:

    I love the Primitive Christmas collection. My e-mail address is esfunayama_at_gmail_dot_com

  93. Gail McMurray says:

    This is adorable, I love the kitschy christmas color combo. Your ballerina doll is adorable too.

  94. Allie N. says:

    I follow you on Pinterest!

  95. Allie N. says:

    The Sweet Succulent felt is just beautiful!

  96. Jo Centgraf says:

    This set is SO cute! I have some little granddaughters who would love this!
    I liked you on Facebook
    I liked Benzie Design on Facebook
    I’m following you on Pinterest
    I’ve also shared this post on Facebook
    and as for a favorite collection on Benzie Design (are you kidding me, they are all beautiful) but if I had to choose, I love the Heathered Originals!

  97. Ardelle says:

    I really like the Feasty colors for this pattern. Such an awesome idea! What age do you recommend is old enough to follow and put these together? Maybe with adult help and supervision?

    I followed you and BenzieDesign on FB 🙂


  98. melody dusseau says:

    Sweet succulent–

  99. Amanda says:

    Your felt pattern is wonderful and I think I still have time to get it done by Christmas:) My email address is amandaswiegand@yahoo.com. I checked out Benzie Design and I really like the sand dunes color combo.

  100. Amanda says:

    I liked your etsy shop and I follow Benzie Design on FB and I like the sand dunes color combo.

  101. Amanda says:

    I follow you on FB and I like the sand dunes color combo.

  102. Amanda says:

    I follow you on Pinterest and I like the sand dunes color combo.

  103. Erika says:

    My favorite is the sweet succulent colorway. And, the nativity set is absolutely darling!

  104. Susan says:

    Feast! And following on Instagram!

  105. Charlotte Skibicki says:

    I follow Do Small Things with Love on facebook.

  106. Charlotte Skibicki says:

    Follow you on Facebook.

  107. Charlotte Skibicki says:

    I have been looking for a pattern like this. I love the primitive Christmas color combo!

  108. I checked out their site and love the felt pompoms!

  109. Megan says:

    I love wool felt, heathered. LOVE THE PATTERN AND FELT!!!!

  110. Andrea says:

    I follow you on IG!

  111. Andrea says:

    I’m following them on IG!

  112. Bobbie Asche says:

    Thanks for the Giveaway.. Love the Kitschy Christmas felt set and Nativity Set… 🙂

  113. Betty Lewis says:

    What a great pattern! I love the kitschy christmas color combo!

  114. cheryl Jacobo says:

    Doll Face!

  115. Stella Boe Banks says:

    Hi there….absolutely love this pattern…and Romance colour selection….gorgeous…


  116. Andrea says:

    OK I am absolutely in love with this. My children would LOVE it!
    My favorite is the secret garden collection. So pretty!
    My email address is andrea . mercer at gmail dot com.

  117. Anne Marie says:

    I follow you on facebook and bloglovin.

  118. Anne Marie says:

    Oh do I love this pattern – you are so talented. I love the sweet succulent color combo.

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