
Felt Snowflakes: Cutting Felt Perfectly

  1. […] tip: since there is no seam allowance here, and it is good to get as precise of a cut as possible, I use this technique for cutting (check it out–it uses tape and it changed the way I […]

  2. […] Felt Snowflakes and a Tip for Cutting Felt Perfectly from Do Small Things with Love […]

  3. Hand Stitched Felt Ornaments - Do Small Things with Love says:

    […] since this needs to be a precise cut, use the direction in this post to cut out the ornament shapes.  Cut out two ornament shapes for each […]

  4. Felt Heart Monster - Do Small Things with Love says:

    […] packing tape and tape it to the felt, on the fold.  I explain why I use tape when cutting felt here.Cut out.  Add eye(s), teeth, etc.Fold monster in half and cut out heart.  Save […]

  5. […] Cut out the pieces.  To get a precise cut use packing tape.  Click here for an explanation why.2. Glue the pieces together.  It’s a little tricky to get the […]

  6. […] First of all, download the template and cut out the needed pieces.  Since the pieces are small and detailed I recommend using packing tape for this process.  For an explanation why, click here. […]

  7. Katie @ Creatively Living says:

    I love these! Pinning them to the Monday Funday board too!
    Thanks for sharing!

  8. Donna Wilkes says:

    Thanks for sharing an amazing tip!

  9. Meg Hodson says:

    Visiting from the Monday Mingle. Following via GFC and Twitter. Would love a visit back?



  10. Mom2fur says:

    Brilliant! I never would have thought of this and appreciate that you did!

  11. Brooke says:

    These are so fun! And what a great tip on cutting!! I need this! Thanks so much for sharing! Have a wonderful day!

  12. Kaysi @ Keeping it Simple says:

    Beautiful!! I love how those look

  13. Emily says:

    This is a brilliant tip Nancy! I have a question. Does removing it cause the felt to thin or pill?


    • Nancy Bandzuch says:

      It might damage the felt outside of the pattern, but not the part you care about because it is underneath the pattern and protected. Also, I have found that packing tape isn’t really that sticky and doesn’t really damage the felt anyway. Just a little.

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