Growing An Online Business: Passive Income Streams

  1. Ojo says:

    Thank you so much for such a wonderful and detailed content. This has helped me; you can check my website for a similar one.

  2. JB says:

    This certainly helps! Can’t wait to read the next series after this. I’m sure it’s more informative, helpful and it has more great tips especially for the beginners.

  3. Jackie B says:

    It takes a lot of time before one gets to earn amply through passive income. But I swear! When you start earning, you are sure to experience the fruit of our labor! Indeed, you just need a little pushing and patience, of course.

  4. Hannah says:

    I’m one of those annoying persons that subscribes, reads new posts in my email, and rarely clicks through to interact. However, I just have to say, I have greatly appreciated this series. I pretty much stopped investing in my business when I got married – stopped developing new patterns, stopped interacting with others on Etsy, etc. While my patterns continue to go through spurts of sales, I know it would be much more if I made the time to develop a better presence in other areas like Ravelry (although just as daunting as time is the fact that our laptop is actively dying and we’re making do without internet in our home). I’m not ready to plunge back into it yet, as I’m just coming out of the haze of first trimester and hoping to get my house back in order and so on, but your tips have been very encouraging, not only as a reminder that it can be done, but also that it doesn’t have to bring a lot of stress and anxiety into my life. Thanks!

    • I am so glad you clicked through to comment! Congrats on marriage and the upcoming baby. I’m glad you liked this series, but don’t push yourself. All of this stuff I have built up to and didn’t do ANY of it until I had a 6 month old baby. I felt like adjusting to marriage was just as big as adjusting to motherhood.
      Good luck–and leave a link to your etsy shop. I’d love to see it!

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