There are few things I love more than dreaming something up, making it a reality, and then, finally, sharing it with the people I love right here.
I have joyfully toiled for nearly three months and the JESUS TREE is now ready for you in 2 forms, each costing only $7.
All of the patterns and printables listed here are for the Gospel of Matthew.
To find ornaments for the Gospel of John, head HERE.
Gospel of MATTHEW:
Ornaments for the Gospel of MATTHEW and JOHN (total of 62 ornaments)
A JESUS TREE is very similar to a Jesse Tree, only instead of walking you through the ancestors of Jesus, the JESUS TREE walks you through all of the events of Jesus’s life.
Also, while a Jesse Tree is used during Advent, a JESUS TREE is intended to be used during Lent.
I didn’t come up with the JESUS TREE concept, but, although I have searched high and low, I was unable to find a really special set of ornaments for a JESUS TREE.
Also, I struggled to find a comprehensive list of verses or events for the JESUS TREE, so I prayerfully figured it out and decided to base this JESUS TREE on the Gospel of Matthew.
I decided to make a Jesus Tree for a couple of reasons.
We’ve been doing it for a couple of years and not only has my children’s Biblical knowledge and faith grown–mine has as well.
I love the practice of reading the verses each night, holding and looking at the symbol, discussing them, and hanging the ornament on the tree, and I longed for something like this during the Lenten season.
As I mentioned, this JESUS TREE is based on the Gospel of Matthew, and although I was unable to include every parable and moment of His life, if you do the entire JESUS TREE, at the end of Lent you will have read the majority of that Gospel.
Because I think it will appeal to more people, let’s start with the printable bundle.
The JESUS TREE printable bundle comes with the following:
Above is an image of the print and color ornaments. Below is an image of the full-color ornaments.
Yup, this set includes 3 different versions of the same ornaments: large, mini, and mini full color. I made the mini set of ornaments because I was really thinking about what we might use as a “tree” for this project.
I mean, I generally don’t have a tree up in my house during the spring! But then it occurred to me–the REAL tree of life–THE CROSS! Of course!
The cross comes on 4 different pieces of paper that can easily be cut out and pasted together.
I also thought that this version of the JESUS TREE might be an awesome addition to any classroom, laminated perhaps.
You can see all of the ornaments included for the 40 days of Lent below, or you can scroll down and see the ornaments made up in felt with the descriptions listed below.
You can get this entire bundle for just $5
I also made a JESUS TREE felt ornament pattern.
Admittedly, making these ornaments out of felt is labor-intensive.
I love cutting and stitching and stitching again, so I enjoyed it.
And, there are 10 more ornaments in this set than the Jesse Tree, but don’t worry!
If you’d like to make these ornaments for your family to use this Lent, you only need to have the first one done on Ash Wednesday!!
The felt ornaments are bigger than either of the print and color ornaments. The felt ornaments measure a little over 5″ in diameter.
And, here is a look at each ornament in the set.
The same ornaments are included in the printable pack.
I, honestly, can’t wait to get started on this project this Lent.
Now, clearly, a printable cross will not work for displaying these large felt ornaments, or the large print and color ornaments.
And, although I favor the real tree branch, I think this is also a fun idea. Without leaves, it does have a “Lenten” feel to it. And, I do miss the little lights from Christmas!
Gospel of MATTHEW:
Ornaments for the Gospel of MATTHEW and JOHN (total of 62 ornaments)
Lent is a wonderful opportunity to grow in faith and get back to what is important.
Find something that will do that for your family. It’s worth it.
Thank, once again, for your unfailing support.
Your sister in Christ,
Are there ornaments for the Gospel of Luke?
Hoping to make them for the gospel of Luke next year!!!
Are there tree ornaments for the Gospel of Luke?
Hi ordered the Jesus tree with the felt patterns but do not see an email for printing. Can you help please?
this is such a cute idea- so I purchased the book and the printables yesterday- however I don’t see an email or anything that shows I purchased- I wonder what I did wrong? Not sure if my order went through? Thanks for your help!
I just purchased this on Shopify because I wanted the printed booklet and felt pattern. Will I be sent a digital copy of the pattern? I would like to get started… I’m sorry all the options confused me. Any chance I can get a pattern fit the Matthew felt ornaments.
I love these. Thank you so much. It has helped my family ficus on the true meaning of Easter. I was wondering if you could do an ornament for Christ’s parables (like in Matthew 25). I didn’t see an ornament for them.
great idea. I’ll add those next year!
I ordered the Jesus tree and received the email, but now I can’t find it!! Is there any way that it could be resent?
Really looking forward to this! Would it work to use puffy point for some of the smaller details?
Hi, Nancy!
Doh. I purchased the $7 Jesus Tree package a couple of weeks ago, and have lost track of the link!
I also don’t see an email containing it. Could I send you proof of purchase (PayPal receipt) in exchange for the link?
Thank you so much!
emailing you now.
This happened to me too! Was the email time-sensitive?
I just shared this on my instagram!
I want to order the printable set of both Matthew and John but when I click on it it only shows that I will get 41 ornaments… is that correct? I’m looking st the 10.00 set over the 7.00 but I am not seeing the difference between them …. can you clarify for me?
Thank you!
Sorry about that! I meant 41 ornaments in each set. Some are repeats, so in the $10 listing there is a total of 62 unique ornaments. Error has been corrected.
Hello, new here! I have zero sewing abilities and was wondering how the felt pattters would work using just a hot glue gun on felt. They’re beautiful and I’m looking forward to doing these with my littles this Lent.
Yes! That would work just fine!
I would like to purchase the felt patterns but when I click on the “I want this” button, it doesn’t actually do anything. Can you help guide me?
hummm…. I think there might be a problem with gumroad, the site I use to sell the pattern. If it still isn’t working, you can also buy the patterns on etsy. here is the link:
I am a principal of a small Catholic school. We do a Jesse tree symbol each morning during Advent. Would love this as a school project for Lent. I’m considering using the felt patterns on cardstock…gluing and laminating. Do you think that it would adapt well to paper?
Yes! I know people have done this before and it worked well! Amazing to think of a school doing this!
HI! How long does it take to get the digital files of the coloring sheets after I order them?
This looks like it could be a fun activity for my Sunday School program.
You will get the files to download immediately. I hope you love it!
Thank you so much for putting this together! Thank you for making my life more simple by providing this resource! I know our family will enjoy this every day!
I am thrilled! Have a blessed Lent!
Just wondering, does your printable set come with the bible readings? Any reflections?
Thanks so much for doing this!
Each coloring page is a Bible verse, taken from that day’s gospel. I did not include reflections because I feel like during Lent so many other wonderful sources (Word Among Us, Matthew Kelley, Fr. Robert Barron, Magnificat) have tremendous daily reflections on the readers.
Ok…I am giving the felt set a go.
For branches, we moved over the summer, but at our old house we had a large forsythia bush out front. They bloom very early in the spring, and they need to be pruned before they bloom. So on Ash Wednesday we would prune it and bring some of the branches indoors and put them in vases of water. They always bloomed yellow flowers for us by Easter. Unfortunately our new place does not have forsythia…we will have to plant some this year!
That sounds beautiful! My mom did the same thing with lilacs when we were kids. I hope the ornaments turn out well for you!
I purchased the pattern and plan on completing this set for 2018 celebration. It will surely take me that long to complete! I love the concept and your pattern is simple to follow with so much meaning and love behind every stitch.
I have a lot of scrap felt that I plan to use but a special trip to purchase some DMC floss in gold will be on my list of to do for today. I want a little something special for the outline over baby Jesus
A little new around here, love your blog.
I’m so glad you like the pattern! And you are brave to work with gold floss. I always get SO frustrated with it! I’d love to see a pictures of the set once you are done!!
How do I purchase this for the $5 you list it for? When I click through from this blog post or on Etsy it says $7. Thanks.
I’m sorry. I forgot to change the post. The launch price was $5, but it is now $7.
What size are the felt ornaments? I love them but don’t know if we have the room for a big tree and those on it. Thanks!
Yeah, they are a little big. about 5″ in diameter each.
Okay, thanks!
Such an awesome way to make Lent a very special time for both kids and adults. The felt ornaments are beautiful and such a labor of love. Here’s another suggestion for a tree— we’ve used pussy willow branches for Lent. Since Lent means Spring — these first buds are not flowers but a sign of things to come.
Yes! this reminds we of what we did as kids–my mom would bring in a lilac branch and it sprouted little flowers. Such a cool thing!
Hi… I purchased the Jesus Tree felt pattern kit and I’d like to order the felt from your suggested Etsy vendor but no-where in the instructions could I find a detailed list of the felt colors. Could that be made available? It would be so helpful. Thank you so much!
going to try to get that together tomorrow. do you want the exact colors that I used? I honestly just made the ornaments out of my scrap bin!
Were you able to pull this together? I don’t need the exact colors, but would generally like to have an idea of how much I need of greens, blues, etc. Thanks!
Hi! These are great! I am wondering what your policy is for a group project? We have a Catholic moms’ group and would love to do this for an pre-lent event with our kids. Is it ok to buy one set and print many from one purchase? Thank you! God bless you.
Yup, that’s fine. all I ask is that you don’t share the digital file. But, other than that, once you purchase feel free to print and copy as many times as you like!
Great! Thank you so much!
These are awesome! I think a big wooden cross made from reclaimed wood would be awesome and you could use nails in it to hang the ornaments.
That sounds beautiful. If you happen to create something like this please, promise me you will take a pictures and send it to me!!!
How much sewing prowess is needed to complete the felt set? I can cross-stitch and sew a button on a shirt, but that’s unfortunately about the extent of my current sewing abilities. I would love to do the felt set for my family and Godchildren (maybe not for this year but for another time), but, I’m not sure I have the ability to do it…yet. If I need additional sewing abilities, I’ll go with the printable for this Lent and aim for the felt set for next Lent. Thank you! You have such talent. Thank you for sharing it with us!
I’m so glad you like the ornaments! The sewing skills are very basic–just a running stitch for the front of the ornament and a blanket stitch around it. there are tutorials for each in the pattern. It does, however take some time for sure. If you weren’t worried about having them ALL done at the beginning of Lent, but finished up after Lent started, you could totally use the felt ornaments this year. Hope that helps a little!!
That definitely helps! Thank you so much for the information!
If you had to guess how much do you think it would cost to buy the materials to make the felt version? I shared your post with teachers at our school and they loved the printable version! Thank you!
It really depends on the quality of felt you want to use. If you use basic craft felt you could make the entire set for around $10. I use a wool blend and it was close to $25 in supplies. Hope that helps!
Yes it does! Thank you!
So beautiful! Thank you for taking the time to do this!
I’m thrilled you like them!
I love the Tree of Life…the Cross of course!!
. We have a felt version but the tree is not a Cross. Looks like I will be purchasing the printable version! Thank you so much!
You are so sweet! Thank you!
Those felt ornaments are GORGEOUS!
Oh my goodness! I TV star just commented on my blog!