Paper Mary Dolls (FREE PRINTABLE)

  1. Rachel says:

    C’EST MAGNIFIQUE ! Quelle belle idée! Soyez bénis!

  2. gisele says:

    they so pretty

  3. Marlene Brown says:

    I woul to have Mary dolls for my ccd class.We are learning about the blessed virgin mother.

  4. Celebrating Candlemas with Children - says:

    […] Sprouts also has a free Mary and Jesus paper doll to color and cut out that would be perfect for little girls and […]

  5. Suzanne Gutierrez says:

    Love it! Thank you

  6. April Dehm says:

    Hi! I click on the link to sign up, and nothing happens! I would love to have this Ebook!

  7. Chirin says:

    I signed up but didn’t receive anything. How do I get the printable sheet?
    Thank you

  8. Janine says:

    I can not find the printable for the Mary doll?

  9. Sunju says:


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