Download the free printable, pull out the markers and the glue sticks and create something fun, meaningful, and seriously cool this Christmas.
This past weekend we celebrated Christmas with my mom’s family with a three-day event we call Cross Christmas Camp.
That side of the family is huge and we actually rent a Bible Camp for the weekend each year.
It’s a blast (and a little crazy).
This year we upped the ante and all got t-shirts. Here’s my crew in our CCC threads.
Not exactly Christmas Card-worthy, but packed with memories.
The crafts this year were a variety of coloring projects, but one, created by my Uncle Dan, was just so cool I had to share it with you, and he was kind enough to let me.
It’s the Pop Up Baby Jesus.
Yes, it actually pops out!
It reminds me of my own chubby babies and how wonderful it feels to have their arms wrapped around me.
Once the coloring did you can even add a very simple banner proclaiming the good news of Christmas between Baby Jesus’ out-stretched arms.
First off, print out both pages of the Pop-Up Baby Jesus project on regular printer paper.
Set aside the page with Mary and Joseph.
First, you need to work with the Baby Jesus page.
Now, this is important. FOLD BEFORE YOU CUT.
You can find the materials for this project, and MANY other Catholic projects in the Catholic Family Digital Resource Library. To get instant access, and join a thriving community of over 10,000 Catholic Parents, just enter your email address.
After your folds are done, open up your paper and cut along the dotted line.
Hang in there! We are almost done. Just the gluing left!
Grab the page with Mary and Joseph.
Fold it horizontally and tuck the folded-up Baby Jesus inside.
Work to match up the lines of the manger.
Using a glue stick, apply glue to one side of the folded Baby Jesus at a time and press it into place. Make sure that you don’t apply any glue to the arms of Baby Jesus.
It is easiest to keep the arms folded while you do the gluing.
One final step, if you’d like, is to add a banner between Baby Jesus’s arms.
For this, you need some string and small paper stars.
Select a word (I used “JOY”).
You will need 2 stars for every letter of your word.
Write a letter on each star and glue them together, with the string sandwiched between the two stars.
Space the letters out the evening on the string. Next, poke a small hole in each of Jesus’s hands and thread the string through.
Lastly, secure the thread to the back of Jesus’s hands.
Once again, you can find the materials for this project, and MANY other Catholic projects in the Catholic Family Digital Resource Library. To get instant access, and join a thriving community of over 10,000 Catholic Parents, just enter your email address.
All the best and a very MERRY CHRISTMAS!
Awesome! This is so cute! I’m printing it now for a fun Christmas craft. Thank you for sharing, and thank you to Uncle Dan for his generosity!
Will do and Merry Christmas!!
Thanks so much Nancy, I love your shirts and what a happy family! I plan to do your baby Jesus for my 2 grandsons, almost 4. I will do the hard part and they can help with the rest. We have our birthday cake for Jesus all set. Merry Christmas!
Yay! We love singing “Happy Birthday Jesus” on Christmas! You sound like a terrifically fun Grandma!