
We’ve had some big roundups in the past, but, brace yourself! This is the biggest one yet!  Over 50 furniture makeover projects!  Now, if this whopper of a roundup isn’t enough to motivate you to get out to the garage, grab a sander and knock the ugly out of a dated piece of furniture then […]


September 5, 2013

50+ Furniture Makeover Projects

I have a really fun roundup for you today–25 Mason Jar Projects.  I love roundups like this because each crafter started with the same object–a mason jar–but their creativity took them to wildly different places.  I just love seeing all of these projects together.  When I start to feel like all the good ideas have […]


August 29, 2013

25 Creative Mason Jar Projects

I hope this doesn’t reveal too much about me…but this is my FAVORITE ROUND UP YET!  40 Summer Cocktail Recipes!  Okay, yes, at the end of a long day I love to drink,  But, I love this roundup even more because so many of the projects came from last week’s Happy Hour Friday link party.  […]


August 15, 2013

40 Summer Cocktail Recipes