Together We Can Build An Orphanage in Uganda!

A joint effort of Catholic Sprouts and the Diocese of La Crosse

Your donations will have a real impact on these children.

Meet Sr. Salome

In 2013, local villagers begged Sr Salome to help a recently orphaned family of 6 children. She housed the family in a small room at her school. The needs grew as the HIV/AIDS crisis continued to devastate Africa. Fortunately, Sr Salome’s heart grew as well. She loves these children as her own. Currently, she has 25 kids aged 1 yr to 18 years. They all live in a small house. She expects to have 40 children in her care by 2025.

Our goal is to help Sr. Salome build an orphanage in Buloba, Uganda, to house 40 children. She has purchased the land and built a perimeter wall and a pit latrine. The site is near a school with water available.

All they lack is funds to build. That is where you come in!

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Together we can raise the funds Sr. Salome needs to serve these children.

Explore What Your Donations Can Do!

All money will be donated directly to a fund for Sr. Salome, managed by the Diocese of La Crosse.



Provides a dozen plates, cups, and silverware.

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Provides a large cooking pot for the fire pit kitchen.



Provides a wooden table and eight chairs.



Provides a set of bunk beds, storage locker, mirror and window.



Provides food and schooling for a child for one year.

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Catholic Sprouts will match all donations up to $10,000!

Give generously and ask for donations from your family and friends.

Our gifts will make a BIG IMPACT in the lives of these children!

We can be Jesus's Hands and Feet!

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