Tools for Your Domestic Church

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best as a family?!

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Children as young as 13 are leaving the Catholic Church. Youth groups and shiny new materials have made no impact on this mass exodus. Studies show that the only way children will embrace the Catholic Faith is if they learn it at home from their parents. 

Feeling overwhelmed? Yup, me too. This is a huge responsibility, but you don’t have to do it alone. We are parents too! We understand the challenges you face and it is our mission to support Catholic Parents as they teach the Faith.


Catholic Sprouts offers tools to empower and equip parents to cultivate a vibrant Catholic home. Learn with your children through our zero-prep resources, engaging activities, and The Catholic Sprouts Podcast which is filled with faith and fun! 

None of us have all the answers, but together we can navigate the challenges of raising faithful Catholic children in a secular world. 

Hi, I'm Nancy,

The founder of Catholic Sprouts. I’m also a mom of 6, a storyteller, a ferocious reader of all things Catholic, and a sinner, but through God’s grace I’m also a beloved daughter of the King. Our house is loud, often messy, and full of life.

For years I felt like a failure as a Catholic Mother. I wanted to teach the Faith, but I struggled to find the time or the patience to actually do it. And so, out of desperation, I started recording a podcast for my kids. That’s how Catholic Sprouts was born! I knew I couldn’t be alone in  this struggle, so I shared the podcast with the world. The podcast took off and has now been downloaded over 12 million times.

Tools for Your Domestic Church

The Clubhouse

Monthly Live Events That Will Bring the FUN Back into Being Catholic.
 Faith, Fun, and Fellowship!

Catholic Sprouts Shop

Shop products that support Catholic Parents as they teach their children the Faith & raise saints!

Catholic Sprouts Podcast

Our bite-sized episodes, only 5 minutes long, are perfect for weaving faith into your children's daily routine.

We create easy-to-use resources and products like books, scripture studies, and other faith-based tools that kids love and parents can trust. Tune into the podcast over breakfast and grab one of our saint books to read while snuggling on the couch. It is our goal with all we create to help you bring the beauty of our Faith into your home.  Explore our store and let Catholic Sprouts be your partner in raising the next generation of saints! 

The Catholic Sprouts Podcast started out as something I thought that only my family needed, but the Lord has shown me otherwise! Thousands of families and classrooms tune in every day. Here are a few things people have said about the Catholic Sprouts Podcast.

What others are saying

"It has been a joy to listen to your positive and uplifting voice each morning"

These are comments coming from two very energetic brothers who often complain about attending Sunday Mass. They take the daily challenge to heart and have reminded me a couple of times this week after school that we need to follow through to complete the challenge. I, too, am learning and am inspired. I intend to make it a habit to provide this to my family every school day this year.
It has been a joy to listen to your positive and uplifting voice each morning. You have a gift for this form of ministry and teaching. Thank you for using your gift! My prayers are with you for the success of your ministry.

Catholic Mom in Indiana

"I wish I’d known about you years ago!!" 

I’m new to Catholic Sprouts - my six kids and I have been listening over breakfast for maybe three weeks now. I wish I’d known about you years ago!! You start our homeschool day off right with our minds & hearts on Jesus & your content is just phenomenal!! It’s absolutely refreshing to hear solid Catholic teaching presented clearly & at a level all my kids can learn from! The tween down to the baby all learn and pray... and of COURSE we *all* dance during the theme song!! THANK YOU & keep up your amazing catechesis ministry!!

Catholic Mom in Illinois

"Please know of the huge impact you are making on my children"

"I have shared this podcast far and wide thru the years. One of my friends who now has young children of her own listens to this daily on her school drive. She is now in the process of entering the church this coming Easter! Your podcast has been instrumental for her to learn along with her daughters! THANK YOU!!!" 

Lourdes Family

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Creating fun and meaningful resources for kids to celebrate and live their faith.