Cleaning the Bathrooms – Why I’m Not Complaining About It

  1. You’ve beautifully articulated the journey of embracing the responsibilities of motherhood and homemaking, especially the often underappreciated task of cleaning bathrooms. It’s refreshing to see someone delve into the deeper meanings and intrinsic rewards behind seemingly mundane tasks. Your 10 reasons are a testament to the love, care, and thoughtfulness you pour into your home and family.

  2. You’ve truly captured the essence of the daily challenges and triumphs of stay-at-home motherhood. The blend of humor and sincerity in sharing your relationship with cleaning, especially those four bathrooms, resonated deeply. Your commitment to finding positive perspectives, especially in tasks that can seem mundane, is inspiring. Emphasizing the importance of taking pride in our responsibilities, whether in the workplace or at home, serves as a wonderful reminder for all

  3. Marilyn says:

    Awesome post! It’s so challenging keeping up with the house! The fact that you are continually re-cleaning it can be a bit overwhelming. Great reminder of what is truly important!

  4. What a great post! I totally agree with you 🙂 We’ve only got two bathrooms. But I love having them clean (and since they are the smallest rooms of the house they’re sometimes the fastest to clean).

  5. Erika Marie says:

    I never thought I’d say this but I actually kind of feel like cleaning my bathrooms after reading this! Thanks for the inspiration and motivation.I hope you don’t mind if I share this link on my next food for thought round up.

  6. Barb Verly says:

    Beautiful sharing and very thought provoking, Nancy! Thanks for the compliment on the home you grew up in. Some of my fondest memories are you little girls washing out the toilet with a rag! You all loved it for some strange reason, and it must have been watching mom do it made it intriguing. I love your new leaf of sharing some of these more sensitive yet “real” topics. You truly are modeling a humble approach to LIFE/LOVE/LIGHT! Thanks for this! Jesus, we trust in YOU. Bless-bless, mom

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