10 Reasons Every Kid Should Spend Time on the Farm

  1. Wow such a nice blog its a very useful and informational content. and also previously I read a blog like this content in GetFarms


  2. This is great! I know my kids love the time they’ve spent on the farm!

  3. Wow
    That’s a great activity to do with the kids.
    Having nice quality time in nature while learning.
    Love gardening and growing!

  4. James says:

    Thanks for sharing so wonderful post.
    I totally agree, children mus spend time on the farm and learn the basic and down to earth life.

  5. MarkStuder says:

    So nice to have. 🙂 thannks for the good post.
    I buy local beef from a farmer when i visited the farm that raises grassfed, pastured beef. It ismyummy. I can’t get amwhole or even a half yet, but would love to. I too, just got a deep freeze and l.o.v.e. it.

  6. Greg says:

    Great read Nancy. I wanted to name my best of the 10 points, but every one is spot on excellent.

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