
10 Tips for Taking Action Shots of Kids

  1. […] Tips for Taking Better Action Shots of Kids  […]

  2. Thanks for sharing these great tips!

  3. Kelly Burtelson says:

    Great tips! So true that when you want that “great shot” it will soooo NOT happen! ~Kelly @ Eyes on the Source

  4. Lauren Smisko says:

    Great tips, thanks!
    I want a DSLR so badly for exactly that reason. By the time my camera takes the picture, my little man is over it and doing something else.

    Lauren @ Imperfect & Fabulous

  5. Becca Diestelkamp-Woodham says:

    Great tips! Always hard to snap the camera fast enough to get the little guys but you’ve done a great job. Stop by my Friday’s Five Features this week and link up this post (and others)! diy-vintage-chic.blogspot.com

  6. Marilyn Clark says:

    Nancy, you take such amazing photos! Your family is absolutely gorgeous!

  7. Suicidal Kitty says:

    I’m a mama of 4 very spaced apart kids, 14, 9, 3 & 12weeks so getting a good or better a great pic of all 4 is a feight all in itself. I love ur simple yet right on answers & pic up tid bits I thought I knew but didn’t. Thank u for ur blog!!

  8. Susan@Organized31 says:

    Nancy, beautiful photos! I love taking walking away photos, too. I really love the ones of my husband and children walking together. Something about how you see the body language more (because you’re not distracted by the beautiful faces 🙂

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