31 Jesse Tree Ornaments Patterns

  1. Erin says:

    I’m wondering about the size as well – is it 5″ like the Jesus tree ornaments?
    Also, I’m thinking about stitching the title and bible reference on the back of each one, though I have no clue how hard that may be! Maybe I could just write it 🙂

  2. Mary Grace Wallsten says:

    What is the final size of each ornament?

  3. Delia says:

    I purchased the Jesse tree ornament pattern and the Nativity pattern. Will a PDF of the patterns be emailed to me? I’ve only received an emailed receipt for my payment to Gumroad Inc. I saw something pop up about an app but I’m not on a mobile device. Where/How do I retrieve the patterns I purchased?

  4. Lisa says:

    Are these patterns vector images? I’d like to use them on a silhouette cutter.

  5. Mary says:

    I’d like to do the ornaments in cross stitch as I have no skill whatsoever at those small felt pieces. Have you considered making your patterns available as cross stitch? Thank you!

  6. Janet Beth says:

    do you sell sets of these I can use as Christmas gifts?

  7. Susan says:

    Beautiful! Just bought the pattern! The ornaments were bigger than i was thinking they would be. What did u hang them on?

  8. thurayya says:

    hi!! is there a way you can do a pattern for a lent/easter jesus tree? it goes from the presentation of the temple to the resurrection…

    i loved the jesse tree patterns!!! we did them over xmas.. 😉

  9. Veronique says:

    Love, love, love these ornaments. My little ones and I did a colored jesse tree this year and I had planned to laminate them, but now we are going to make these instead… and we need to start now if we have any chance of finishing by next Advent! I love your choice of colors, but do have one question. When I printed out the patterns, it indicates that black is to be used as the base for each ornament; but it looks like maybe you chose your own colors as the base for each pattern? Could you kindly let me know if this is what you did or if you think black would be better. Thanks and Happy New Year!

    • Each ornament has 2 large circles: a colored circle that all the smaller pieces are stitched onto. Then, I cut our a second big circle as the BACK of the ornament. All of the backs of my ornaments are black. I hope that makes a little more sense. Feel free to ask if you have any more questions!

  10. Amy says:

    Which devotional book did you use for these? Most of the books I am finding only have 25 days. I really like all the ones you included so I’m wondering where I can find a resource to use all of them. Thank you!

    • I pulled together a whole bunch of different devotionals for this and I included 30 so that people have some choices. Have you bought the pattern? It comes with a scripture reading for each day.

      • Camille says:

        I bough the pattern but have not found the scripture reading for each day. Can you points me in the righ directions

  11. Dee Dee Phillips says:

    Hi! I just purchased your templates. I love these ornaments and I can’t wait to make and start using. Would you mind to share what specific colors and how much of each you ordered from Benzi? Thanks!

  12. Jeanie says:

    These are beautiful and I love them! I have a question though, do you have any text for each ornament to help explain the context to kids?

  13. Nancy says:

    Will this work?

  14. nora says:

    nice job i see << seems u forgot prophet Muhammed 🙂

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