Although most of us will not have to deal directly with the issues of Euthanaisa or Doctor Assisted Suicide, other issues that are closely related, like the topics of death, chornic illness and suffering are things we will have to deal with. And, even more importantly, we will have to teach our children about these topics in a way that is life-giving and true to the Catholic Faith.
In this episode I share personal stories to help you discover your own stories that will be helpful as you teach your kids about these issues. I share specifically about my Grandma Anne’s slow decline and the final days of Amy’s life, Bill’s younger sister, who died of cancer two years ago.
Once again, we are tackling big, difficult topics in this episode, and I don’t have all of the answers. Specifically, how can suffering be redemptive? How can chronic illness and the death of a young person be God’s will, even His submissive will. I don’t think, this side of heaven, we will ever be able to fully understand these things, and yet we are called to surrender and trust in God’s love, no matter the circumstances.
I sincerely hope that what I share with you in this episode is helpful, and that it encourages you to have these important conversations with your children.
Catholic Social Teaching for Youth is not on sale yet, but will be soon. Look for the book to be on sale in May!
In the meantime, please use this Catholic Social Teaching Cheat Sheet. It outlines what the Church teaches on each topic and offers you a brief description of the beauty we should reinforce as we teach.
Get it here:
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This podcast is dedicated to the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus. May we all meet there one day!
Your sister in the small things,