
Friday Project: Felt Name Book for baby

  1. Folk Art Button Flowers - Do Small Things with Love says:

    […] have a thing about buttons.  Don’t believe me?  Check out this and this and this and this.  Yeah, is it a love?  Is it an illness?  Don’t know.  But […]

  2. srpprcrftr says:

    This book is so precious for your little one. It is very obvious you put your heart and soul into making it. What a wonderful keepsake.

  3. Nancy says:

    You’re right! A short name wouldn’t work so well. I’m pregnant right now, and my husband really likes a name with 15 letters….so I’m not looking forward to making a really long book either!

  4. Jenni says:

    This is really sweet! You wouldn’t want your next kid to have too short of a name though… a three page book wouldn’t be any fun! lol

  5. Meredith says:

    What a sweet idea! I don’t know how to use a sewing machine yet, but could definitely tackle this project by hand! Love it!

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