Allowing Your Husband to be a Father

  1. Hanh Ngo says:

    Thanks Nancy! Totally needed to hear this! While at the same time, frustrated that dad chooses to let our boys watch movie after movie and wishes he taught them songs or something! This reminds me of how much I love and miss him when he travels and my need to finish reading Love and Respect.

  2. Bridget says:

    Thank you, I needed this! I micromanage my husband. I messed up thoroughly tonight. He is truly awesome and I need to get out of the way!!
    God love you!

  3. Jennifer says:

    I could have written this. I’m so glad I’m not the only one who struggles. I feel like such an evil woman sometimes and I’m ten years into parenting. I think I really have gotten better though, especially during this pregnancy. I’ve given a lot to God, and my husband!

  4. Cassy says:

    My pet peeve is when people ask “oh, so dad is babysitting?”…um, no, he is parenting. That said it is really hard sometimes to trust and it also makes it so important to communicate often to make sure you are on the same page about discipline, developmental milestones, division of jobs and hopes and expectations. Take time to build each other up and acknowledge what it is he is doing well and special and meaningful for the family, doing that regularly makes constructive criticism a bit more bearable and welcome.

  5. John Smith says:

    I found this because I feel like this is happening to me. I want to send this to my wife but I’m afraid she would take it wrong. How do I communicate this without it sounding like I’m just complaining. I’m getting frustrated because most times my wife is a better patent. I’m just trying my best and it’s hard when I’ve been gone all day at work.

    • It’s so hard for us women. We want to control everything! And it might be so tricky to communicate this. Without knowing the situation at all, all I would suggest is have her leave, like physically leave, and you be alone with the kids for a chunk of time. Then, when she gets back hopefully she will see that Dad time is important. It’s different…the dishes might not get done ;)…but it’s so important for kids.


      • Becca says:

        My husband & I have had many fights about this! I would say find a quiet moment to bring it up with her. Start by affirming her parenting since you said you think she is a great parent, maybe say you have learned a lot from her and it’s important for you (to grow as a parent) and for the kids (to respect you) for you to have the time & space to figure out your parenting style with them. Maybe set some basics that you both agree on to start with (things like do we spank, do time outs, what we agree kids can eat/drink at what times like sweets, etc). It may be a difficult conversation and take a while to sink in or see changes in behavior, but it’s worth talking about explicitly, I think! I know I have really worked to change my behavior on this based on things my husband has said to me about it – but I never would have seen it if he didn’t mention it.

  6. Sommer says:

    us Mothers don’t like to admit to a lot of this but we all do it! thank you for this post it was awesome and I will talk these great lessons with me!

  7. Sky says:

    Ah, Nancy, this post touches me so! I relate with many of your same thoughts. I have felt lately like my husband just isn’t around enough to really be a Dad or know who we are. He’s working to provide and that is important, necessary, righteous. How can I complain? Thanks for writing this and helping me to think a little differently of all of it. You are a blessing!

    • Thanks Sky. It is so hard (for everyone) when dad is away so much. I’m at my worst when my hubby gets back from his 2 week trips. I just feel like he doesn’t really know what’s going on anymore—which really isn’t true.

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