Do you wish that your Catholic Family lived more liturgically, but struggle to do all that you think is required to live liturgically as Catholics? Well, it is time to stop feeling guilty, and instead embrace these simple ideas to start living in tune with our beautiful Catholic Church. In the video, I share […]
I am big on looking back…and then looking forward to the end of the year. I know this is way overdone right now, but I find it helpful since I usually am too “stuck at the moment” to really understand what I am experiencing when I experience it. So, today’s episode is a little personal […]
Ready to have your prayer life utterly transformed? Well, this video will do just that with three (simple) ideas that will transform the way you think, feel, plan and live out your prayer life. I can’t wait to share these things with you! Here is a brief summary of the three ideas that will transform […]
The hard truth about prayer is that just going to mass and saying prayers with your family at night is NOT ENOUGH. Yes, God loves you and sees your effort, but He is calling you to something more that He can only give you in personal, quiet time. We all need to spend daily time […]