
Confession time.   I have been known to be on my phone too much. And I hate that I do this–I hate that I get sucked into my phone.   I hate that it is a constant temptation.   Hate that I love my iPhone so much…but I really do love it. Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, […]


July 12, 2015

3 Mistakes I Made That Led to My Phone Addiction

We just got back from a beautiful week in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan. We head up there every year and stand in awe of that big lake.   It’s a great time with family that we all look forward to each year.   In fact, I’ve been going up there every summer since I […]


July 6, 2015

Life with Kids: When Vacation Isn’t Really A Vacation

As a woman with childbirth (hopefully) still in my future, I can’t really believe I’m about to say this, but here it is. I need the pain of childbirth when my children are born. Need not only pain but not just pain. I need that life-changing pain we feel while giving birth–to be a part […]


July 5, 2015

Why I Need the Pain of Childbirth

After someone learns that I am a stay-at-home mother they typically respond with something along the lines of, “That is so nice. What a luxury!” A luxury. It doesn’t really bother me. I’ve heard it countless times. And, frankly, I feel quite blessed and lucky to be home with my children during these years. But what […]

marriage, Motherhood

June 28, 2015

The TRUE Luxury of a Stay-At-Home-Mother