
A quick note: John is now a professional speaker, sharing his journey through and after cancer with groups of all types. To contact him or learn more, head HERE. This past weekend my brother, 26 years old and brain cancer survivor, participated in a local Relay for Life event.   Cancer has been a part of […]


June 23, 2015

Cancer and the Journey After Surviving

I’ve started to think that maybe all those old ladies at the grocery store are right. It was a gorgeous Sunday afternoon.   After accomplishing a few things in the yard, and feeling pretty good about it. We packed up the cooler and headed to the pond.   There was a place in the shade, […]


June 17, 2015

These Just Might Be The Golden Moments

Things have been extra crazy around here lately.   My little guy is full-on-speedy scooting (and into all sorts of trouble). My daughter is potty training and my 4-year-old has decided it is absolutely no fun to listen to mom. EVER. Some days being a mom in this house is nothing short of a marathon. I […]

marriage, Motherhood

June 14, 2015

When It Feels Like I Don’t Have Anything Left for My Husband

Things are getting a little bit out of control around here.   We have so many toys–and with another birthday looming on the horizon I just know it is going to get worse.   Although I plan on doing a major toy purge very soon, we also need to establish a better system of organization–or […]

kids crafts

June 12, 2015

31 Toy Organization Ideas