So, yesterday I laid it on pretty thick, offering you 7 reasons why all families (including your family) really need to be praying the Rosary.  I know how tough it is, and it is always going to be tough, but it isn’t impossible. It isn’t! And, since 7 feels like a good number, I have […]


June 13, 2022

7 Ideas for Praying the Rosary as a Family

pray the rosary as a family

We created our Rosary Board Books for one reason: to help families pray the Rosary together. It is our dearest hope that these books allow a family to include the littlest members of their family in this important prayer. Sure, we wanted the books to be beautiful and fun to give a child at their […]


June 13, 2022

The Family Rosary: The Family That Prays Together Stays Together

Family Rosary Prayer

Hey there! Since we announced the restock of our Family Examen books a couple of days ago, I have gotten lots of questions like “What is the Family Examen?” and “How Will it Help My Children Pray?” And I totally understand why–this is a different sort of family prayer.  So, come pray with me! Let’s […]

books, Uncategorized

May 25, 2022

The Family Examen: Prayer Story Book

catholic prayer book

Feelings sit at the heart of our new book, THE SAINTS AND THE CALL TO FRIENDSHIP WITH CHRIST.  There are several reasons modern education pushes teaching kids about their feelings. Emotional education helps a child become more self-aware and allows them to self-regulate when intense emotions erupt. Emotional education also teaches a child to identify […]


May 24, 2022

Feelings Are Powerful!

feelings for kids