
As a woman with childbirth (hopefully) still in my future, I can’t really believe I’m about to say this, but here it is. I need the pain of childbirth when my children are born. Need not only pain but not just pain. I need that life-changing pain we feel while giving birth–to be a part […]


July 5, 2015

Why I Need the Pain of Childbirth

After someone learns that I am a stay-at-home mother they typically respond with something along the lines of, “That is so nice. What a luxury!” A luxury. It doesn’t really bother me. I’ve heard it countless times. And, frankly, I feel quite blessed and lucky to be home with my children during these years. But what […]

marriage, Motherhood

June 28, 2015

The TRUE Luxury of a Stay-At-Home-Mother

A quick note: John is now a professional speaker, sharing his journey through and after cancer with groups of all types. To contact him or learn more, head HERE. This past weekend my brother, 26 years old and brain cancer survivor, participated in a local Relay for Life event.   Cancer has been a part of […]


June 23, 2015

Cancer and the Journey After Surviving

I’ve started to think that maybe all those old ladies at the grocery store are right. It was a gorgeous Sunday afternoon.   After accomplishing a few things in the yard, and feeling pretty good about it. We packed up the cooler and headed to the pond.   There was a place in the shade, […]


June 17, 2015

These Just Might Be The Golden Moments