Building an Online Business Through the Baby Years

  1. Angie Ramirez says:

    Thank you for what you do, the lessons you provide, and for being such real person! About 8 years ago, “Catholic Icing” kept me sane. Now your videos, podcasts, fb posts, and emails are motivating to not fall to nothingness. Thank you!

  2. Laura Hess says:

    Love how you are keeping it real with the selfies! I have a couple projects going on (ya know like writing a book, starting a moms ministry at our church, while raising 2 kiddos under 5). I REALLY love the planner you put together and have had a fantastic December and advent so far because of it. Please continue to do these good works, they have been very helpful in my faith journey.

  3. Nancy!! I appreciate the time, thought, and love you put into your products and work.

    I also love the way you discuss blogging goals as those you have control over. Sending love, thanks for writing.

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