Before researching and writing St. Paul’s School of the Word I had all sorts of WRONG ideas about St. Paul the Apostle. I mean, I liked and respected him, but St. Paul always seemed a little bit more, well, Protestant. Is that weird to say? It was just always easier to look at St. Peter […]

books, Catholic, Family, Prayer

November 6, 2019

St. Paul was Catholic

st paul catholic

To celebrate the release of the MYSTERIES OF THE ROSARY BOARD BOOK SET… here are 15 amazingly incredible, mind-blowing facts. Yes, they are facts; tested, investigated, and proven. And so, if you aren’t in love with the Rosary yet, prepare to be by the time you get through this list. Enjoy! And don’t forget to […]

Baby, books, Catholic, Faith, Family, MAry, Rosary, teaching the faith

September 16, 2019

Rosary – 15 Incredible Facts About It!

Hey there! Well, today we are making Just One Small Thing Podcast history! My guest today, Laura Kelly Fanucci, is becoming the very first person to be on the podcast TWICE! Not sure if it’s an honor or simply proof that she is a good friend and she allows me to twist her arm! If […]

books, Catholic, Family, miscarriage, Motherhood, NFP, Podcast

October 24, 2018

J1ST 068: Grieving Together with Laura Kelly Fanucci

Hey there! Welcome back to the Just One Small Thing Podcast. One of my good friends is joining us this week, the amazing Haley Stewart. Haley is a wife, mother, Catholic writer, and podcaster. You likely know her from her blog, Carrots for Michaelmas, or her podcast, Fountains of Carrots. Haley is a remarkable, engaging, faith-filled […]

books, Catholic, Faith, Family, NFP, Podcast

October 10, 2018

J1ST 066: The Grace of Enough with Haley Stewart