Hey there friends- Before I dive into the topic of today’s podcast… I want you to think back to when you were preparing for First Communion. Remember how we all learned that Eucharist comes from the Greek word meaning Thanksgiving? I distinctly remember learning that and, at that moment, thinking, “Well, that’s sort of strange“. […]

Catholic Virtues, Faith, Podcast, Prayer, Rosary

August 8, 2018

J1ST 057: The Eucharist and Thankfulness

Hey there! Before I jump into it, today’s podcast is sponsored by an INCREDIBLE Catholic Company: TINY SAINTS! Tiny Saints offers the most incredibly cute and meaningful images of the saints imaginable. The reason I decided to work with this company is that when I shared this picture of my planner and a Tiny Saints […]

Catholic, Catholic Virtues, Family, Podcast, Rosary

August 1, 2018

J1ST 056: Wonder and Awe

Welcome back, friends! And, before I even get into things I just want you to know that today’s episode is so good. SO GOOD! I was shocked because today’s topic is Repentance. It is the virtue assigned to the 3rd Luminous Mystery, The Proclamation of the Gospel and a Call to Repentance. At first glance […]

Catholic, Catholic Virtues, Faith, Podcast, Prayer, Rosary

July 25, 2018

J1ST 055: Repentance

Hey there friends! Today’s podcast episode looks at Respect as the virtue associated with the fourth Luminous Mystery, the Wedding at Cana. Now, as I mentioned last week, I had to think up and assign many of the virtues I’m using for the Luminous mysteries, mostly because Padre Pio, whom I am taking most of […]

Catholic, Catholic Virtues, Family, Motherhood, Podcast, Rosary

July 18, 2018

J1ST 054: Respect