
So, it’s Lent.  I have a love/hate relationship with Lent.  I love that it is a special time, set apart for self-denial, reflection, prayer and renewal.  Unfortunately I also struggle with Lent for the same reasons.  I love the thought of simplifying my life and meeting God in the quiet–I just continually fall short. I […]

Adult Projects, Catholic, Faith, faith projects, Lent

February 20, 2013

Lenten Nail and String Art

    Before I get started on the project I’d like to introduce my guest crafter: my niece Mary.   She is an amazing “up and comer” in the crafting world…and she happens to be losing lots of teeth at the moment.   She is, without a doubt, my favorite crafting buddy and she was […]

Catholic, Faith, faith projects, kids crafts, Lent

February 6, 2013

Lenten Vigil Candle Holder

If you are looking for the latest link party, click here. I’m a simple person, and my understanding of things is, oftentimes, simple. Since today is the anniversary of Roe v. Wade, I thought I would take a minute to share why I am pro-life. Here are two pictures of the same life: Ultra-sound picture […]

Catholic, Faith, Family

January 22, 2013

On the topic of life…

I am giving pinterest full credit for the idea behind this project.  How many of us pinned this project when you came across it on pinterest?  Obviously I did too.  And so, I just had to try it. Please go to the linked blog for how-to, I am not going to claim this method as […]

Adult Projects, Faith, kids crafts

August 7, 2012

Folded Magazine Cross