Welcome back to the Just One Small Thing Podcast, my friends! Today, we are going to continue to dig into the virtues assigned to each decade of the Rosary. Last week we talked about Joy for the First Joyful Mystery. Today we are going to talk about SERVICE for the Second Joyful Mystery, the Visitation. […]

Catholic, Catholic Virtues, Faith, MAry, Podcast, Rosary

June 6, 2018

J1ST 048: The Lifelong Call To Service

Hey friends! Well, even when you are a big-time blogger like me (HAHAHA!!) you still answer to your mother. And so, to please my wonderful mother who took such great care of my children while I was in Fatima, here is a quick pictorial sharing of our time in Fatima. I already shared thoughts on […]

Catholic, MAry, Rosary

May 10, 2018

Fatima in Pictures