As a woman with childbirth (hopefully) still in my future, I can’t really believe I’m about to say this, but here it is. I need the pain of childbirth when my children are born. Need not only pain but not just pain. I need that life-changing pain we feel while giving birth–to be a part […]


July 5, 2015

Why I Need the Pain of Childbirth

After someone learns that I am a stay-at-home mother they typically respond with something along the lines of, “That is so nice. What a luxury!” A luxury. It doesn’t really bother me. I’ve heard it countless times. And, frankly, I feel quite blessed and lucky to be home with my children during these years. But what […]

marriage, Motherhood

June 28, 2015

The TRUE Luxury of a Stay-At-Home-Mother

I’ve started to think that maybe all those old ladies at the grocery store are right. It was a gorgeous Sunday afternoon.   After accomplishing a few things in the yard, and feeling pretty good about it. We packed up the cooler and headed to the pond.   There was a place in the shade, […]


June 17, 2015

These Just Might Be The Golden Moments

Things have been extra crazy around here lately.   My little guy is full-on-speedy scooting (and into all sorts of trouble). My daughter is potty training and my 4-year-old has decided it is absolutely no fun to listen to mom. EVER. Some days being a mom in this house is nothing short of a marathon. I […]

marriage, Motherhood

June 14, 2015

When It Feels Like I Don’t Have Anything Left for My Husband