Several years ago I sat down and drew up 26 simple Catholic ABCs coloring pages. One for each letter of the alphabet. They were good enough, but I am NOT a professional graphic designer by ANY stretch of the imagination. But lots of families used those coloring pages. And as of this morning, over 20,000 […]

Catholic, Faith, faith projects, Family, free printables, kids crafts, Paper Crafts, teaching the faith

March 15, 2020

Catholic ABC’s Coloring Pages (NEW AND IMPROVED)

Catholic ABC Coloring Pages free

Hello there, friends! I hope your Lent has been wonderfully restful and fruitful. Mine, thus far, has fallen a little bit short of expectations, but that, of course, is 100% my doing. It is hard for me to embrace quiet, even though I REALLY need to! In these next weeks, and especially during Holy Week, […]

Catholic, Easter, Faith, faith projects, Family, kids crafts, Lent, Paper Crafts

March 11, 2018

Finger Puppets for Lent (FREE & PRINTABLE!)

Last year, I created something I call the JESUS TREE. Since my family loved the Jesse Tree so much during Advent, I longed to have some daily scripture activity to walk us through Lent as well. So, I created the JESUS tree. It is a set of ornaments that walks the faithful through the entire […]

Catholic, Faith, faith projects, Family, kids crafts, Lent, Paper Crafts

January 17, 2018

Jesus Tree: New Ornaments for the Gospel of John

Friends!  I have been dreaming and thinking about this JESUS TREE for about 2 years now–and today is finally the day I share it with you! There are few things I love more than dreaming something up, making it a reality, and then, finally, sharing it with the people I love right here.   I […]

Catholic, Family, kids crafts, Lent, Paper Crafts

January 25, 2017

The JESUS TREE: Lenten Scripture Activity