The hard truth about prayer is that just going to mass and saying prayers with your family at night is NOT ENOUGH. Yes, God loves you and sees your effort, but He is calling you to something more that He can only give you in personal, quiet time. We all need to spend daily time […]

Catholic, Catholic Sprouts for Moms, Prayer, Rosary

December 13, 2018

The Hard Truth About Personal Prayer

If you are looking for ways to pray the Rosary even better, then you are in the right place. The Rosary is one of the most powerful and beautiful prayers that we have Catholics, and we can always go deeper and get more out of this prayer…and I can’t wait to show you how! First […]

Catholic, Catholic Sprouts for Moms, Motherhood, Rosary

December 4, 2018

How to Pray the Rosary Better!

Ever wonder why Catholics love Mary so much? Well, you’re not alone, and in this video, I will work to answer all of your questions so that you will have nothing holding you back from really plunging headfirst into a loving relationship with Mary that will bring you closer to Jesus Christ. First of all, […]

Catholic, Catholic Sprouts for Moms, Faith, MAry, Motherhood, Prayer, Rosary

December 3, 2018

Why do Catholics Love Mary?

Hey there friends! Well, we’ve made it. Today I am sharing with you the final installment on the virtues of the Sorrowful Mysteries of the Rosary. Today, I’m talking about the Fifth Sorrowful Mystery, the Crucifixion.  The virtue assigned to this mystery is Love. I have to be honest, I felt totally intimated recording this […]

Catholic, Catholic Virtues, Podcast, Rosary

October 3, 2018

J1ST 065: Love