They were good enough, but I am NOT a professional graphic designer by ANY stretch of the imagination.
But lots of families used those coloring pages. And as of this morning, over 20,000 people have downloaded and used them. That’s sort of crazy, right?
Well, things have changed and evolved over the past several years. And through the goodness of God, I no longer have to do all the things myself.
Thankfully I have the ability to work with other gifted Catholics and ask them to fill in where my skills are lacking.
And so, because of this, I am thrilled to announce that the popular Catholic ABC Coloring Pages have gotten a facelift.
Yay! They are still totally Catholic, but this time a professional graphic designer made them beautiful. as well 😉
I can’t wait for you to download them and check them out–because they are still 100% free for everyone!
The content is the same, meaning each letter is still matched up with the same Catholic term, but the images are so much more detailed and meaningful.
And so, whether you are new to these coloring pages, or you have been print and reprinting and using these coloring pages for years, I am excited to share the new bundle with you.
All Catholic ABC Coloring Pages are totally free. In fact, they are included in the LIBRARY OF FREE RESOURCES WE OFFER CATHOLIC FAMILIES.
To get access (again, 100% free), just add your email address below. After you do that, I will send you a welcome email with access information.
You can find the materials for this project, and MANY other Catholic projects in the Catholic Family Digital Resource Library. So many great ideas for families and classrooms!
To get instant access, and join a thriving community of over 15,000 Catholic Parents and teachers, just enter your email address.
I know many families have used the coloring pages as “Catholic Homeschool,” and I can’t tell you what an honor that is!
In these crazy times, I know that all of a sudden many of us are homeschoolers by default, so I hope that these coloring pages come in handy.
Remember, you don’t have to KNOW EVERYTHING to teach your kids. Simply sitting down with your kids and coloring a page as you talk and discuss can be so beautiful.
If they have questions that you don’t know how to answer, take a few minutes to google or YouTube the answer after you are done coloring. If that doesn’t work, email a priest.
The most meaningful thing we can give our children is a thirst for the Truth and the confidence that they will be able to find the answer.
Again, I hope that you enjoy these coloring sheets. Download the file, save it, print it, and use it.
You have my permission to use these coloring pages in Faith Education Classes and Catholic Events. All I ask is that you give me credit. That’s it.
May God bless you and keep you safe! And may God use these simple coloring pages to bring so many parents and children just a little bit closer together.
Your sister in the small things,
Once again,
You can find the materials for this project, and MANY other Catholic projects in the Catholic Family Digital Resource Library. To get instant access, and join a thriving community of over 40,000 Catholic Parents, just enter your email address.
We love these! We came across them at our weekly Moms’ meet ups with kids at our parish.
I’d love to be able to print them off for future meet ups!
Thank You So Much!
– Caley
Hello. How I can get these ABCs coloring pages?
Please send me these resources! Such a blessing! Thanks!!!
I have been trying to access your Catholic Family Digital Resource Library for a while now, with no success. Any chance there is something wrong on the website’s end?
Have been trying to access this for months- could you please email them to me as well?
Can you please add me to your email list? I absolutely love your Advent pages, which I somehow stumbled upon. God is so Good!!
I have not been able to access this either after several attempts. Can you email these to me? thanks!
Can you please send me the ABC sheets?
Would love the Abc’s coloring pages, and check out any other printables. Thank you so much.
Would love the Abcs coloring pages, and check out any other printables. Thank you so much.
Hi! Thank you so much for offering these coloring sheets. Unfortunately, I have tried several times to access the library and have had no success. Would you mind emailing me the information that I need to access? Thank you so much! I am looking forward to coloring.
emailing you
Hi when I click on the library the page is blank.
emailing you
We have been trying to access this ABC set you have and have had no success. When we click on the library it goes to a blank page. I know last week I tried with my email and it gave me nothing as well. We would like to use the ABC coloring pages for our kids but just can not get it.
Hi there! Nothing happened when I tried to click the link. Looks fun, though!
Sorry! Emailing you!
I have tried to sign up for the library resource on my computer and my phone and each time I just get a blank page. Any help you can give is appreciated!
that is so odd! Sorry about that.
Emailing you.
Thanks so much!
Thank you for making this available at this time xx
This looks great for kids! Thanks so much!!!
Thanks for these resources.