On Being a Catholic Blogger

  1. Thanks so much for including me in that list! I’m so honored to be in such great company 😉

  2. Jeri says:

    Wow! I could have wrote this post. Not the Catholic part…but certainly the faith part. I started out as a faith blogger that quickly turned into craft, recipes, kids, whatever blog. This year my one little word is Leap. I am leaping and refocusing my blog back to what I originally invisioned it to be. It takes guts to write about faith. Some people may not like what you have to say, some may love it, either way it’s a long haul to do it right…the way you want. Good luck on your journey. May God bless you on the road. Jeri

    • I can’t tell you how wonderful it is to hear from you on this post. When I wrote this was I full expecting to get no response…which is why I put off writing it for soooo long. I am headed over to your blog now, just because I feel like we have so much in common. And I love that work, leap. I really is a leap, isn’t it? It is just so much easier to (for me) to hide behind crafts and recipes and not get into the faith part. Good luck to you!

  3. Susan says:

    Nancy, I look forward to following you as you venture into new areas. I’ve been reaching a similar place with my thoughts and my blog, although I haven’t reached conclusion yet. Thank for sharing your thoughts (and faith) and giving me something to think about.

    • I am really surprised (and inspired) by the response to this little post. It seems like a lot of us get to this point where we have to be writing about MORE in order for blogging to really make sense. I hope I can stick to this resolution. And, I’ll be eager to see what conclusions you come to. All the best, my friend.

  4. Nell says:

    You are so loving to include my little blog on your reading list. I think you share thoughts we all struggle with about how our faith and spiritual lives intersect with what we share online. Can’t wait to continue to follow your journey!

  5. Nancy, I really do commend you for writing this post; for being determined to share more of yourself here on your blog – – for your desire to return to the message of this blog’s namesake. At times, I’ve definitely felt convicted about similar things; my blog is a “craft” and “DIY” blog…but I am so much more than that as a person, and I am a person of faith (Protestant though) and that can’t be separate from me. So, I’ve struggled to know when and how to communicate that in my blog posts. I love that you’re going to be writing more spiritual and reflective posts! And I look forward to learning from your awesome example, sweet friend!

    • It’s so nice to hear this, Lauren. When I published this post I wondered if anyone would respond, just because it is so different from what I post about. I already know that you are so much more than just a crafter—it’s just so hard to have your blog contain all of who you are, don’t ya think?

  6. Great post, I’m catholic and a blogger but have never fully ventured into catholic blogging for that reason. I’m not an expert and would any one really want to read my opinions. I might try it out. I have many post in draft I just haven’t hit publish! 🙂

    • It is so nice to hear from someone in my same boat. Thanks for writing here–and do it! I often find that those posts I have in drafts and hesitate to publish are the best posts.

  7. Monica says:

    I applaud you for putting all your faith on the internet even when you’re not sure what to say. I’m still trying to figure out how to put the way I feel about being Catholic into words, but I feel like I have a goal similar to yours. I feel like I’ve only managed to touch on it in only a post or two. That being said, I can’t wait to read what you come up with!

    • Thanks Monica! I really struggle with putting how I feel about being Catholic into words a lot. I just don’t want to mess it up! I will be sure to follow your posts as we both work in this direction!

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