
Taggy Blanket DIY

  1. This is so cute, your baby is adorable. I surely want to win a blanket for me. Thanks for this beautiful stuff.

  2. […] Sew up some PERFECT BURP CLOTHS Make your own NURSING COVER Put together a sweet TAGGY BLANKET […]

  3. Julia Forshee says:

    Your baby is soo cute!! These blankets are so expensive in the stores, too!! What a great tutorial. We are starting a link up party on Thursdays (today:), and we would love for you to join us with this post and/or any others you would like to include. We are at allthingswithpurpose.com. Hope to see you there!!

  4. Amy says:

    Nooooooooooooooo! Not the Squeelers!

  5. Emily says:

    So, so cute. We’re Steelers fans here, so I had to see what you made her! We’ve got a few outfits, but this is great!


    • Nancy Bandzuch says:

      Another Steelers fan! How wonderful! Better not tell Amy, she won’t be happy to hear that there are two of us cheering for the steelers in the group!

  6. Trinity says:

    If I had an infant I would totally make this. So easy and cute.

  7. VFoley says:

    What a awesome post. Perfect for baby showers! Im your newest follwer via Friday Chaos

  8. Cropped Stories says:

    My little one had a tag blanket and loves it! Every so often (even now at 2 1/2 years old) she’ll pick it up and carry it with her!

  9. Mums make lists says:

    Fab idea!

    I would absolutely love for you to link up at the Friday Baby Shower, the new linky party for all things pregnancy and new baby – Alice @ Mums Make Lists xxx


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