Good morning!
I know many of you are prayerfully considering if the Domestic Church Project App and Bootcamp are right for your family right now.
And we have been getting lots of really excellent questions, and I thought it might be helpful to share these questions and our responses with everyone.
So if you have a lingering question after reading this, please just hit reply!
And remember, we will only be enrolling new families now until January 6th at midnight. At that time we will be closing enrollment and focusing on supporting the families that joined.
You will have access to everything in the Domestic Church Project app (Bootcamp, community, saint stories, liturgical studies, small groups…) for just $9.99 a month. And you can unsubscribe at any time. That price will never change, and we will be adding new content ALL THE TIME.
And if you are planning to take your family through the Domestic Church Project BOOTCAMP, you can do that in roughly 2 months.
We hope, however, that you find a home in this community and stay to use our liturgical studies and other materials while at the same time encouraging other families!
The Domestic Church Project is for ANY Catholic parent or person active in raising Catholic Kids. We are happy to welcome ALL of the following:
We are driven by a mission to make ALL Catholic homes Domestic Churches. Even if your family is imperfect (like our family!).
Everything we offer in The Domestic Church Project is meant to support the important work that you are doing at home. We will be leading discussions each week inside the app and hosting live calls. Join only for what is helpful and life-giving!
We also plan to host small groups for men and women. Join when and if you can. But remember, the more you put into the community the more you will get out of it!
Nope! Have one spouse sign up and we will send you a link for a second account for free!
Life will always be busy, and if we wait for the “perfect time” to do something we will be waiting FOREVER!
We have had families successfully complete the Domestic Church Project Bootcamp immediately after having a baby while moving across the country and even while a husband was deployed. It can be done–we just have to get creative sometimes!
Remember, this is set up to be a 6-week program, but it took our family 9 weeks! No worries–just strive to complete.
However, there are a few things that might indicate it isn’t quite the right time to take your family through the DCP Bootcamp. Here are a few examples:
1. Something will force the family to be separated many days a week (ex: a family member is ill and in the hospital). DCP needs to be done with everyone present.
2. Your family is going through something serious right now (like divorce or the loss of a parent). The DCP Bootcamp is not a replacement for actual therapy or professional help if it is needed.
Other than that, this is a private discernment for each family!
Remember, God, know what He was doing when He made you the leaders of this family. If you are feeling a nudge to take the plunge and start building your Domestic Church, then I ask you to listen and leap!
We created the DCP Bootcamp for the Whole Family, therefore we strove to make the content perfect for a wide range of ages.
As a general rule, we suggest that your oldest child be at least 5 years old before you take them through the DCP.
Please keep in mind that although we do strive to “educate” through the Domestic Church Project App Bootcamp, this is not school. Our goal is to establish habits in your family and train you as a parent so that you are able to talk about the Faith in your home.
Therefore, if you finish a lesson and your children remember only the story told at the beginning, that’s fine! Together you are learning how to learn together, talk about your faith and pray.
Once again, we created the DCP Bootcamp for the whole family, anticipating that a family might have a high schooler all the way down to an infant. So, no, your kids are not too old.
Moreover, included in the family manual are questions for each lesson, and we wrote questions for a variety of ages, from little kids all the way to high school.
We leave it up to you, the parent, to select the questions right for your children.
Many families with junior high, high school, and even college kids went through the program, and they all enjoyed it.
No! We already have wonderful families from England, Canada, India, Ireland, and Australia…and we would love to all even more countries! No matter where in the world you currently live, you are welcome!
Yup! We don’t homeschool either. 😉
Great question.
If your husband is Catholic and interested in being part of Faith instruction, then he needs to be part of the Bootcamp. Please don’t sign up without talking to him about this.
If he is concerned about time, then please remind him that you can take your family through the Bootcamp at whatever pace works for you.
Take 12 weeks if you like! Also, he doesn’t have to be in the app if he doesn’t want to be…but if he wants a male community, he will find that here as well.
This is perhaps my favorite testimonial from a family that went through the Beta test of the Bootcamp:
And remember, if he isn’t up for it right now, that’s fine! We will be opening up the doors for families right around Ash Wednesday as well.
SIDE NOTE: If your husband is not Catholic and doesn’t want to be part of teaching the Faith, the Bootcamp has successfully been run by just mom!
okay, did I answer all of your questions?
If not, just hit reply!
Thanks for bringing this opportunity to prayer. You are exactly what your child needs, and it is beautiful how deeply you care about your family.
In Christ,
Nancy and Bill
Will this be beneficial if only one parent is a practicing the Catholic Faith? My husband was Catholic but is now an Atheist. He is supportive of me teaching the faith to our children, but not actively involved in any home catechesis because of his lack of belief. Our two boys are 5 and 3.
YES! We have had many mothers in the exact same situations take their families through the program. And, inside the community you could find support as well!