
Free Printable Tractor Valentine

  1. Karl says:

    creative. but it’s a little hard to print it since the thumb’s in the way. but i get the idea. nice, creative work Nancy.

  2. […] Printable Tractor Valentine from Do Small Things With Love […]

  3. […] Printable Tractor Valentine from Do Small Things With Love […]

  4. Marjorie says:

    This download is not working. Can you possibly fix it?

  5. Carissa says:

    I was so excited when I discovered your adorable tractor Valentine card. It is perfect for my 3 year tractor obsessed little boy to give to his friends. Unfortunately, the PDF is not working. Please tell me you can have it corrected soon so that I can print these out. Thanks so much!

    • Thanks so much for telling me! I just went and redid the link, so, fingers crossed, it is working now. I hope it does work, and that you and your son have a wonderful Valentine’s day!

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