Growing an On-Line Business Through the Baby Years: Why I Do It

  1. Marilyn says:

    Nancy, you are such an inspiration. Thanks for motivating me today! 🙂

  2. Nancy, I can’t thank you enough for sharing this post. I have loved blogging for 6 years now, and as we are in eager expectation of our first child (due in August!) I have really been considering this idea to take my blog to the “next step” so to speak, especially since I plan to be at home with the baby. This post really helps in my discernment, and I thank you for it!

    • Oh, I am so glad to hear that! don’t stress at first. Having a new baby, especially the first, is a lot. Give yourself a few months but after you get into the groove I think you will find blogging as a fun thing to add to your stay-at-home life.

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